Dr. Rollins Articles
Starting the New Year with Healthy Habits
Here we go, again. New Years resolutions, goals, wishes... If you hope to improve your health, lose weight, live longer or live better, here are...
A Christmas Music Prescription
If laughter is the best medicine, then I’d like to think music is a close second. I discovered around the age of 18 that I have an ear for playing...
Heart and Soul
Anxiety causes heart attacks, according to the “Heart and Soul Study” published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, in which over 1000 people...
Transforming Healthcare in the 21st Century
By guest author, Judith Olesen Americans too often pay a high price for the ways in which conventional medicine is practiced. We pay a price not...
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is our nation’s official time for giving thanks, counting our blessings, and sharing kindness and courtesy to friends, family and even...
Stress Management Techniques
You have the ability to control the effect of stress on your mind and body. As one may not be able to remove or avoid all stress the goal at some...
Statin Drugs and High Cholesterol: A Story of Associations, Assumptions and Dogma
The love affair with statin drugs has turned from sizzle to fizzle as the irrational enthusiasm for these cholesterol-lowering drugs faces...
Why Am I So Tired – Could it be Adrenal Fatigue?
The body has a marvelous system for dealing with acute stress, allowing us to meet challenges and perform at a high level both physically and...
Vitality for the Aging Man
Men, if you feel like you are losing your mojo then it's time to check your testosterone level. Aging men will have a predictable decline in the...
Please Pour the Coffee
Legend has it that around 1200 years ago an Ethiopian goat herder observed his animals energetically dancing around after eating the bright red...
Alzheimer’s: The Second Most Feared Disease
According to a 2021 Center for Disease Control survey, this disease is the second most feared, even more than a heart attack or stroke. It's known...
Preventing Cognitive Decline – A 12 Week Course to a Better Brain
This is an upcoming 12-week course to learn the underlying causes of cognitive decline and the practical lifestyle steps to ensure optimal brain...
Salicinium for Cancer
Every normal cell in our body takes in oxygen from our blood to perform its function; this is called respiration or an aerobic process and this process takes place in the mitochondria. Cells take in oxygen and perform thei functions by producing a chemical called...
Artery Health
There are things you can do to prevent, stabilize or even reverse arterial plaque. The most powerful treatment is probably eating a more whole food plant based diet. Cutting out excess meat and dairy correlates with a marked reduction in artery plaque. A...
Natural Lyme Treatment
There are a few natural treatments that work to eradicate Lyme and the common co-infections. The links are to products we use in our office. Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) - Samento Otoba Bark Extract (Otoba parvifolia) - Banderol Biocidin It may take 3-6 months to...
The Acne Cure
Most people have experienced acne. For some it is merely an occasional nuisance while others find it to be a seriously embarrassing and frustrating issue that seems to defy all logical treatment. And for a few it can leave emotional scars that are more than just skin...
Copper Chelation
Test baseline copper, zinc and ceruloplasmin levels. Ceruloplasmin is a carrier protein that transports as much as 90% of serum copper, and is another measure of copper levels in the body. Goal at 90 days of therapy is ceruloplasmin level 15-20% of baseline level and...
Supportive Oligonucleotide Technique (SOT)
Supportive Oligonucleotide Technique (SOT) is a treatment for cancer or infections with viruses or Lyme bacteria. Essentially SOT is the creation of a shutoff "key" that precisely fits a chosen "lock" portion of a cancer cell or pathogen. The "lock" is a specific...
Influenza Vaccine Pros, Cons & Natural Treatments
If you are weighing the pros and cons of getting the flu shot this year then you are not alone. Recent studies have questioned how well the flu vaccine really works. Here are some summary studies to help make an informed decision whether to get the jab, or not. And...
Influenza: A Symptom of Vitamin D Deficiency
Could the remarkable association between influenza epidemics and the winter season be explained by the well known deficiency of vitamin D that occurs when the sun dips so low in the sky that humans can no longer make vitamin D in the skin? I think so, and science is...
RGCC Supplement Protocol
Below is your RGCC/Onconomics supplement dosing schedule. I’ve eliminated the supplements that tested as unhelpful, are unavailable in the US, or redundant. I’ve recommended the supplements that showed the highest % of inhibition of your circulating tumor cells...
“I am bad at meditation,” is something I often hear when patients and I discuss stress. Luckily, there are many tools to aid in stress management - journaling, yoga, exercise, art, biofeedback, music, loved ones. Each patient needs a unique combination of tools and...
Chelation Protocol
Chelation derives from the Latin word "chelate" meaning "claw" or "to grab". In the case of toxic heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, etc, the formation of chemical bonds between the chelating agent and the metal is called chelation. This is done...
Bon appétit with healthy fats
“Hydrogenated” oils are stuffed full of hydrogen atoms and bad for your health. “Trans” fats are the result of heat and artificial hydrogenation, have an un-natural structure, and become incorporated into cell membranes and nerve tissue causing harm. Omega-6 oils lead...
Antioxidants during Conventional Cancer Treatments
The general opinion from conventional oncologists is that antioxidant therapies interfere with the pro-oxidative effects of chemotherapy and radiation. This consensus is questionable when looking at the research. According to Drs Simone in their review article...
Aftercare Instructions for Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) works over about 6 weeks to stimulate healing. It is important to give it a chance to work so follow these directions closely! Immediately after PRP injection Keep your injection site clean, dry and covered with a Band-Aid the day of your...
Wahls Protocol
The Wahls Diet is consistent with my long standing recommendation of following a Mediterranean type diet, emphasizing lots and lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, with limited meat and dairy, and little to no sugar or high glycemic starches. ...
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Action Guide
You may be confused or have many questions about hormone replacement therapy. Maybe your doctor told you not to take hormones. Or you may have read in the news that hormones cause cancer. Perhaps a friend told you they would cause weight gain. Could be you want to...
Thyroid Tests
Thyroid tests are misunderstood by patients and doctors alike. Here is a run down of the various options for thyroid testing. We typically run the basic thyroid panel and/or thyroid antibodies panel. The less helpful / more specific tests are not that useful and/or...
Thyroid Hormone Chemistry
Thyroid hormones are combinations of the amino acid tyrosine and iodine. Two tyrosines are linked to either 1, 2, 3 or 4 iodine molecules to create what are known as T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively. T4 (levothyroxine) is the main thyroid hormone released from the...
Pitfalls of Standard Thyroid Tests
Standard thyroid tests such as TSH and T4 may miss low thyroid conditions, while T3 and reverse T3 testing often tells a more accurate story. There are numerous, well documented reasons for this disparity. Conditions that are shown to cause disruption of standard...
Consent for Supportive Oligonucleotide Technique
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you...
Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu Season
Get ready for cold and flu season as we are in the midst of adenovirus infections with the sore throat, hoarse voice and barky cough, rhinoviruses causing copious nasal drainage and congestion, and the dreaded influenza that leaves many bedridden for a spell. The...
You Probably DO have Food Allergies
It’s true; most of us have varying degrees of health problems caused by the foods we eat. Food allergies or intolerances can lead to many common symptoms and diseases, and surprisingly many foods we think of as healthy are culprits. Moreover, these foods are often...
HRT Pellets
Time released hormone pellets are one option for delivery of hormone replacement therapy in men and women. We have been performing pellet insertions for over a decade and we recommend obtaining pellets from College Pharmacy in Colorado Springs, because they are one...
Cancer Cell Markers
Cancer cell markers may be used to screen for presence of cancer, help determine the type of cancer and characteristics about it's behavior. Some markers, called transcription factors, are proteins that turn specific genes "on" or "off" by binding to nearby sections...
Low Dose Immunotherapy Microbial Antigen Mixture List
Contents of Microbial Mixtures LDI microbial antigen mixtures are acquired through various sources (trades with other practitioners, microbiology specimen warehouses, etc.) and are comprised of dead bacterial/viral/fungal/protozoan specimens. Notable exceptions are...
Low Dose Immunotherapy Allergen Antigen Mixture List
Food Mix and Sub-Mixtures “Food” Mix – Contains all of the following sub-mixtures, with all foods at roughly the same dilution relative to one another. Nuts and Peanut are actually 1C (100:1) weaker than the others, because reactions to those foods are typically more...
Low Dose Immunotherapy Patient Information
If you actually want this treatment to work for you, I suggest you read all of this information at least twice, and do your best to follow all recommendations. Your success with low dose immunotherapy (LDI) rests very heavily on how well you communicate your responses...
Low Dose Immunotherapy
Low dose immunotherapy (LDI) is a treatment for “turning off” an overactive immune system. This applies to allergies, autoimmune diseases or any process in which the immune system is activated. Traditional “immunotherapy” involves administering a dilute solution of...
Cholesterol Treatments
Many foods and supplements will improve lab markers that put one at risk for heart disease. Here is a list of treatments: Cholesterol, LDL (lowering) HDL, LDL size (raising) Oat Bran, ground flaxseed or ground psyllium 2 Tbs / day Raw Nuts – almonds, walnuts, pecans...
Sleep Supplements
Insomnia is beyond frustrating and harmful to great health. Below is a list of supplements that we've found helpful in restoring restful sleep. Melatonin 1-15mg at bedtime (sleep promoting hormone) L-theanine 100-400mg at bedtime (increases calm alpha-wave brain...
ReJOINT for arthritis and inflammation
We've had exceptionally good response from patients with arthritis, even fairly advanced, using "Dr H Rejoint". They even offer a money back guarantee if the product does not provide results within a few days. Here is good research study using the herbs in the...
Hormone Replacement Therapy after Breast Cancer
The following handout is a collection of abstracts from research looking into whether taking HRT after treatment for breast cancer increases the risk of recurrence. We treat many patients after they have treated breast cancer and this is part of the informed decision...
Consent for Steroid Injection
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you separately....
Consent for Thyroid Replacement Therapy (ThRT)
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you separately....
Consent for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you separately....
Ketamine for Chronic Pain & Depression
Ketamine is proving to be a tremendous treatment for intractable depression as well as chronic pain. Our experience is consistent with most research studies, showing that about half the patients treated respond positively. It has emerged as a treatment option for a...
Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy 2
If you answered "yes" to these three questions, you may be eligible to take part in a National Institutes of Health federally funded study of intravenous (IV) chelation therapy and oral vitamins for people with diabetes and heart disease. What is chelation therapy?...
Cancer Lifestyle Factors
Lifestyle factors have a huge impact on the cancer prevention and cancer survival. Our staff includes a nutritionist, health coach and yoga instructor to help you achieve lifestyle goals. We also refer with our network of alternative and complementary practitioners....
Cancer Fighting Supplements
There are many plant based or natural supplements that have evidence of benefit against cancer, either directly by killing cancer cells or indirectly by changing the “terrain” that encourages cancer growth. NOTE: We do our best to find evidence of safety and...
Cancer “Terrain” Testing
There are numerous tests that help us evaluate and improve the "terrain" that encourages cancer growth. There are also cancer markers that reflect the extent of cancer presence and help us guide treatment. Inflammation Sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein...
Consent for Intravenous Therapy
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you separately....