
Our services begin with a medical consult with one of our providers, who then serves as your “co-pilot” in determining your health goals and treatment plan.

We follow a logical, stepwise approach that focuses on the core systems of functional medicine as we help you reach your best health.  Getting to the “root cause” of symptoms is our goal.

Where possible we can use your insurance to cover diagnostic testing and treatments.  Some of our testing or treatments are quite specialized and not covered by insurance.  We’ll make sure you understand our recommendations and are comfortable within your budget.

This Weeks Article

Control Your Genetic Destiny with Epigenetics

Blame it on our genes — the blueprint for life that we inherit without having any say in the matter. We have been led to believe that you can’t change your genes, and thus we are destined to inherit certain traits. It turns out this is not entirely true. We can’t...