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Dr. Rollins Articles

Keys to Great Health

"Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that made him sick." —Hippocrates Health, like so many things, does not rely...

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Oooh that Sun Burns….

With a little bit of sun, I turn pink right away, while my wife goes right to a golden brown.  My Scottish skin type apparently doesn't react the...

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Food for Your Mood

The foods you eat have a lot to do with how you feel, in a myriad of ways you might not imagine. Certain foods help the brain function better and...

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Breast Thermography

Breast thermography is a quick, painless, no contact imaging technique that can be part of an early detection program for breast cancer.  Using no...

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Wine Tasting Notes

Wine Tasting Notes

See, swirl, sniff, sip, savor.  A 20 point scoring system for judging wine. Wine-Tasting-Chart-2024 Appearance, see and swirl (3) Clarity - bright, dull, bitty, hazy, cloudy, sediment Intensity - Colorless, pale, medium, dark, opaque Color White - green, yellow/green,...

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Repurposed Drugs for Cancer

Repurposed Drugs for Cancer

Many drugs have "pleotropic" properties, meaning they have actions other than those for which the agent was specifically developed.  While the quest for better treatments for cancer is ongoing, there is still a large unmet need and increasing interest in the potential...

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  Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways "The results, in conjunction with our earlier data, suggest that FZ is a new microtubule interfering agent that displays...

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Ozone Water

Ozone is held intact as a gas in water. Use distilled water.  The addition of salt increases the absorption of ozone in water. Infuse ozone at 78 mcgm/ml for 20 minutes.  This results in a 25 mcgm/ml concentration. Must be used immediately. May be drank or used...

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Babesia is a protozoan from the phylum Apicomplexa.  It differs from other parasites in not having flagella or cilia for movement, instead adhering and "gliding".  They differ from bacteria in being more complex, e.g. being "eukaryotic"  and having DNA in a nucleus....

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Breathe Away Stress

Breathe Away Stress

Stress can be effectively dispersed by deep breathing.  It's not that the stress can be avoided or magically disappear, it's that one can mitigate the impact of stress on the body.  Relaxed breathing, alone, or with meditation or yoga, etc, stimulates the...

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Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Medications

Many prescription medications may assist with weight loss efforts.  Rather than simply guessing, we match the mediation that best suits your needs.  This may be related to how you feel, for example, if you are constantly hungry, suffer from cravings, or struggle with...

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