Dr. Rollins Articles
The Miracle of Medicinal Mushrooms
The humble fungi, with its visible fruit called the mushroom, holds some of nature’s most potent weapons. Used by the plant to protect it from...
Go Organic by Avoiding the Dirty Dozen
The “USDA Organic” label is familiar to most shoppers, yet there is confusion about the definition of organic. And while many people purchase...
Keys to Great Health
"Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that made him sick." —Hippocrates Health, like so many things, does not rely...
The Hidden Epidemic of Celiac Disease
What disease can destroy the lining of the gut without you even knowing? What disease is present in about 1 in 133 people, yet only diagnosed in...
Control Your Genetic Destiny with Epigenetics
Blame it on our genes — the blueprint for life that we inherit without having any say in the matter. We have been led to believe that you can’t...
Staying in Balance & Avoiding Burnout
Burnout is a special kind of stress, best defined as being exhausted and just losing interest in what you do. The physical and mental effects may...
Oooh that Sun Burns….
With a little bit of sun, I turn pink right away, while my wife goes right to a golden brown. My Scottish skin type apparently doesn't react the...
Floxed by Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Floxed refers to the devastating effects of a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones (FQs) and may include symptoms of extreme fatigue, tendon...
Brain Training with NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback
Our Electrical Brain Our brain produces electrical activity, which can be measured in the form of brainwaves. These brainwaves occur at different...
Food for Your Mood
The foods you eat have a lot to do with how you feel, in a myriad of ways you might not imagine. Certain foods help the brain function better and...
Sunscreen Tips for Youthful Skin
The number one thing that ages skin is sunshine. Not just the sunburn, but the relentless day-to-day exposure to the sun causes the skin damage that...
Breast Thermography
Breast thermography is a quick, painless, no contact imaging technique that can be part of an early detection program for breast cancer. Using no...
IV Therapies
Intravenous infusions, or IVs, offer the ability to get much higher blood levels of certain nutrients, antioxidants, or other compounds than is possible by oral supplementation. This allows the various substances to penetrate into the body's cellular tissues at a...
Visiting Grand Junction
Thank you to all of our patients who travel from out of town or even from out of state for consultation and treatment. I'm often sharing information about eating venues or sight seeing recommendations, so here's a list of some of our favorite places to eat, stay and...
Avoid these Chemicals and Save Your Thyroid
The main symptoms of low thyroid include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depression, trouble losing weight, cold intolerance or low body temperature, brittle and thinning hair, slow-growing nails and dry skin. If you have “normal” thyroid blood tests yet suffer...
Wine Tasting Notes
See, swirl, sniff, sip, savor. A 20 point scoring system for judging wine. Wine-Tasting-Chart-2024 Appearance, see and swirl (3) Clarity - bright, dull, bitty, hazy, cloudy, sediment Intensity - Colorless, pale, medium, dark, opaque Color White - green, yellow/green,...
Arthritis Relief
Suffering from arthritis is very common and the conventional treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen is fraught with side effects and risks. I’ve written before about the dangers of NSAIDS, including ulcers, kidney toxicity,...
Repurposed Drugs for Cancer
Many drugs have "pleotropic" properties, meaning they have actions other than those for which the agent was specifically developed. While the quest for better treatments for cancer is ongoing, there is still a large unmet need and increasing interest in the potential...
Childhood Exanthems
The six childhood exanthems, also known as the "sixth diseases" or "sixth exanthems," are a group of viral infections that commonly affect children. An exanthem refers to a widespread rash that occurs on the skin as a symptom of an underlying medical condition,...
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a widely used screening tool designed to assess various cognitive domains, including attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visual constructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and...
IV Therapy Resources
IV therapies may include infusion of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, ozone, chelating / detoxifying agents, or other natural substances. General IV Resources Advance IV Therapies, AAEM, 2017 Chelation Therapy Training, ACAM 2009 Chelation Therapy...
Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways "The results, in conjunction with our earlier data, suggest that FZ is a new microtubule interfering agent that displays...
Prostate Cancer Supplements
In addition to noting the benefits of natural supplements, this study highlights the power of synergy, whereupon combinations of compounds may provide more benefit than the same compounds taken individually. It also reinforces the idea that eating plant based whole...
First Aid Kit Medications
FIRST AID / WILDERNESS KIT Over the counter - ibuprofen - tylenol - loperamide - laxative - eg dulcolax - zyrtec or claritin more optional otc - monistat vaginal - opcon et al allergy eye drops - nasal decongestant spray - dentemp From commercial pharmacy - written rx...
Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Prostate Cancer
Updated Review of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in the Setting of Prostate Cancer
Calm but not Fatigued
We all want to be in the mental “zone” — you know, between having plenty of energy yet feeling calm and relaxed. For so many of my patients this seems to be a paradox. Seeking that morning “get up and go” energy with caffeine or sugar, feeling anxious and unsettled...
Niclosamide used for many different diseases
The magic bullet: Niclosamide "Intriguingly, niclosamide, an FDA-approved drug for treating tapeworm infections with an excellent safety profile, displays broad anti-cancer activity in a variety of contexts... Inspired by the promising results from the...
Dementia and Cognitive Impairment Testing
Screening Tests Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can be subtle and hard to quantify. Sometimes it's hard to know what is concerning or just normal aging. Early changes are often missed until one has obvious, severe dysfunction. By identifying early cognitive changes...
Wired for Healing by Annie Hopper
Wired for Healing, by Annie Hopper https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25501198-wired-for-healing The author has an online program. I've had a few patients do this and tell me "it was the best thing they ever did" for their health....
Prodrome Scan Interpretation
ProdromeScan Practitioner Resource Plasmalogens With sufficiency, plasmalogens contribute to: Neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, myelination, and neurotransmission (‘fusogenic’ in regards to synapse connectivity). Endogenous antioxidant activity and free radical...
Ozone Water
Ozone is held intact as a gas in water. Use distilled water. The addition of salt increases the absorption of ozone in water. Infuse ozone at 78 mcgm/ml for 20 minutes. This results in a 25 mcgm/ml concentration. Must be used immediately. May be drank or used...
Babesia is a protozoan from the phylum Apicomplexa. It differs from other parasites in not having flagella or cilia for movement, instead adhering and "gliding". They differ from bacteria in being more complex, e.g. being "eukaryotic" and having DNA in a nucleus....
RGCC (the Greek) Test for Circulating Tumor Cells
How Cancer Starts Video Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) Circulating tumor cells are cancer cells which have broken away from the primary tumor and...
Not Milk?
We had whole milk delivered to the house in glass bottles when I was a kid. My dad spent many years as a veterinarian specializing in work for one of the largest milk processors in the Midwest, and the herds of dairy cattle that supplied it. I always marveled at the...
Avoid These Common Food Additives
A “food additive” is any substance added to food in order to improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture, appearance, or nutritional value. Throughout human history we’ve augmented foods, adding salt to cure meats, sugar to preserve fruits, and vinegar to pickle a...
Covid19 Management, The FLCCC Protocols
The following Covid19 management protocols were developed by Paul Marik, MD, Professor of Medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, and others, as members of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). ...
Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
With the holidays upon us many of you may find the New Year brings with it the dread of gaining weight. Yet it can be confusing just what to eat to avoid the seemingly inevitable holiday bulge. The headlines are full of tips on “this diet” or “that diet”. The...
Are Food Allergies Making You Gain Weight?
If you struggle with losing weight despite eating well and exercising then consider investigating for delayed food allergies. Along with hormone imbalance and poor intestinal health we find the connection between food allergies and weight gain to be quite common. ...
The Connection Between Gut Health & the Mind
“What does your gut tell you?” Hmmm … “I’ve got a gut feeling” this is going to be a great column. Do you get “butterflies in your stomach” when you are nervous or upset? Then you’d better “go with your gut” and read on! These colloquialisms are truer than simple...
Sports Nutrition Part 3: Making Nutrition Work for Your Workout
Get more from your workout by adding the right nutrients at the right time. In part 1 and 2 of this series I reviewed which hormones increase muscle strength, speed and power, how muscles develop, and which nutrients are necessary for this process. Now let’s tie it...
Sports Nutrition Part 2: Macronutrients & Micronutrients
Getting the right nutrition, at the right time, will enhance your workout leading to increases in muscle strength, speed, power and endurance. But just what is the “right nutrition” to maximize exercise benefits? It needs to supply energy for exercise and provide...
Migraine Treatment
Neck exercises that may help migraine headaches
Sports Nutrition Part 1: Muscle Function and Hormones
Would you like to get more out of your workout? How about increasing muscle strength, power and speed? Exercise is the key but nutrition plays a critical role in making the exercise pay off. This three part column will show you how to maximize your hormonal systems...
Making Hunger Hormones Work for Weight Loss
Control your appetite and control your weight. By understanding some of the hormones involved in hunger control we can more effectively lose or maintain ideal weight. With names such as leptin and ghrelin, our hunger hormones sound more like Elven characters from J....
Live longer with laughter
How delightful to learn that laughter really is the best medicine and will perhaps add as many good years to your life as other familiar health tips. Could it be so simple that a positive attitude reduces heart disease and stress-related hormones, improves the immune...
Cleanse and Detox
If you want to do something to improve your overall health then consider a simple cleanse and detox program. Each of us has a continual onslaught of toxic chemicals that build up in the body and especially wreak havoc with our DNA, immune, endocrine and neurologic...
Cardiac CT Scan Tracks Your Plaque
Atherosclerosis, once detected, does not have to lead to heart problems or an early death. There are tests and treatments that lead to an effective strategy to stop the process.
Staying Cool In Summer
Summertime in Western Colorado offers some of the best outside adventure in the world, whether it is cycling across desert slick rock or rafting raging rivers, hiking remote trails or golfing groomed links, we are blessed with an abundance of terrain that lures folks...
Breathe Away Stress
Stress can be effectively dispersed by deep breathing. It's not that the stress can be avoided or magically disappear, it's that one can mitigate the impact of stress on the body. Relaxed breathing, alone, or with meditation or yoga, etc, stimulates the...
Weight Loss Medications
Many prescription medications may assist with weight loss efforts. Rather than simply guessing, we match the mediation that best suits your needs. This may be related to how you feel, for example, if you are constantly hungry, suffer from cravings, or struggle with...
Return to sports after concussion
6-Step Return to Play Progression It is important for an athlete’s parent(s) and coach(es) to watch for concussion symptoms after each day’s return to play progression activity. An athlete should only move to the next step if they do not have any new symptoms at the...
Improve your health with plenty of fiber
What foodstuff can help you lose weight, lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease and cancer while generally improving your how you feel? Good old fiber. You’ve probably been told to “get plenty of fiber” in your diet, but exactly how much and...
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) Treatment Summary
Avoidance / elimination of biotoxin exposure - ERMI testing Removal of toxins from the body - binders - mycotoxin testing Treat MARCoNS - nasal spray for 30 days then reculture Elimination gluten exposure if anti-gliadin positive Correct androgen deficiencies - DHEA...