IV therapies may include infusion of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, ozone, chelating / detoxifying agents, or other natural substances.

General IV Resources

Advance IV Therapies, AAEM, 2017

Chelation Therapy Training, ACAM 2009

Chelation Therapy


ALA Monograph

Artemisinin / Artesunate

Artemisinin is extracted from the plant Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood) which is an herb used in Chinese traditional medicine.  Artemisinin and its more potent semi-synthetic derivatives (artesunate, et al) have been used for the treatment of malarial and parasitic worm (helminth) infections and are used in cancer therapy.

Artesunate Monograph

Artesunate, Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex & Phosphatidylcholine

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Ascorbic Acid in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

Riordan Protocol

Understanding the Therapeutic Potential of Ascorbic Acid in the Battle to Overcome Cancer

Intravenous ascorbic acid protocol for cancer patients: scientific rationale, pharmacology, and clinical experience

Orthomolecular Oncology Review: Ascorbic Acid and Cancer 25 Years Later

Continuous intravenous vitamin C in the cancer treatment: reevaluation of a Phase I clinical study

High-dose intravenous vitamin C as an Anticancer Agent – A Literature Review

On the Efficacy of High-dose Ascorbic Acid as Anticancer Treatment: A Literature Survey

The Cure from Nature: The Extraordinary Anticancer Properties of Ascorbate (Vitamin C)

Intravenous Acscorbate and Oncologic Agents

Ascorbate Combination Therapy New Tool

Vitamin C – A Concentration-Function Approach Yields Pharmacology and Therapeutic Discoveries

Ascorbic Acid in Cancer- A Renewed Hope?

Ascorbic Acid in Colon Cancer- From the Basic to the Clinical Applications


Glutathione Monograph

Glutathione- Systemic Protectant Against Oxidative and Free Radical Damage


Glycine- The Smallest Anti-Inflammatory Micronutrient

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD)

What is NAD?

Role of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide and Related Precursors as Therapeutic Targets for Age-Related Degenerative Diseases- Rationale, Biochemistry, Pharmacokinetics, and Outcomes

Phosphatidylcholine (PC)

Phosphatidylcholine Monograph


Poly-MVA is a uniquely formulated dietary supplement containing a proprietary blend of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, formyl-methionine, plus trace amounts of molybdenum, and ruthenium. This formulation is designed to provide energy to enhance the body systems by changing the electrical potential of cells and promoting proper or normal metabolism within the cell.

Poly-MVA Breakthrough 2022

LAMC Protocol (AMARC)

Intravenous Cancer Treatment with LAMC


Salicinium is a natural plant based extract, a “glycome” or complexed sugar molecule, that will destroy the enzyme “cloak” called nagalase that protects cancer cells and allows cancer cells to hide from the immune system.  It also encourages aerobic metabolism which is further detrimental to cancer cells which have defaulted to anaerobic metabolism due to impaired mitochondrial function.  Salicinium is a tradename for glyco-benzaldehydes and related compounds that impair glycolytic metabolism in cancer and virus-infected cells.

Salicinium Protocol, IV

Salcinium Prevents and Treats Cancer and Viral Infections – Townsend Letter

Salicinium – Disrupting Anaerobic Glycolysis and Improving GcMAF Immune Response – Townsend Letter







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