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Dr. Rollins Articles

Allergy Treatments and Cure

Aah-aah-aah-choo! That sound marks the time of year for stuffy noses and itchy, watery eyes. The best treatments are started early and used...

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Get Your Mojo Going!

Most of us could use a bit more of it.  Some people suffer from a complete lack of it.  Athletes burn a lot with activity and we all need it to...

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RGCC Supplement List

  CLASS I CYTOXIC AGENTS Artecin, Artesunate, Super Artemisinin (sweet wormwood) Artecin, Artesunate, and Super Artemisinin are derived from...

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The PRP Breast Lift Unveiled

The PRP Breast Lift represents an exciting advancement in the field of aesthetic medicine, providing a non-surgical option for those seeking a...

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Palliative Pearls

Palliative Pearls

My summary notes from the wonderful book, "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande. ADLs Eat, toilet, bathe, groom, dress, get out of bed, get out of chair, walk IADLs Shop, prepare food, housekeep, do laundry, make phone calls, handle meds, handle finances, travel THREE...

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Eating Freely

Eating Freely

The Root Cause Oftentimes when working with patients, we uncover that difficulty with weight loss is rooted in stress eating, emotional eating and/or binge eating. This recognizable pattern typically goes from dieting to “falling off the wagon” to feeling guilty to...

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The Ten Hallmarks of Cancer

In two landmark scientific papers, Douglas Hanahan of the University of California, San Francisco and Robert Weinberg of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology described the Hallmarks of Cancer this way: Self-Sufficent Cell Division Cells are organized into tissues...

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Hormones for a Healthy Heart

Hormones for a Healthy Heart

What if we had a new medication that slashed the risk of the leading cause of death by about 50 percent? And what if that medication also helped prevent osteoporosis and dementia? That same medication is not a medication at all but rather one of our own hormones...

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The Language of Fats

The Language of Fats

Good fats, bad fats, trans fats, omega-3, omega-6, hydrogenated, unsaturated… it gets confusing trying to sort out which fats we are supposed to eat and which ones to avoid. With a little explanation and a little chemistry you will understand the language of fats –...

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Histamine avoidance diet

Histamine is a chemical created endogenously by the immune system and is present in some foods. By eliminating foods with histamine for six weeks to three months, and later reintroducing them, we can find which histamine laden foods your body can and can not tolerate....

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Hemochromatosis Diet

Hemochromatosis Diet

Notes on diet for hemochromatosis:  The most important things to avoid:  Iron supplementation  Fortified foods with iron &/or vitamin C Vitamin C supplements Red meat, shellfish (or consume very infrequently and pair with calcium-rich foods) Alcohol  The most...

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