Dr. Rollins Articles
Improve Health with a “Myer’s” Cocktail
Infusing various vitamins or anti-oxidants directly into the bloodstream will achieve blood levels as much as ten times higher than possible with...
Digestive Health and Weight Loss
If you struggle with your weight then consider the role of digestive health when it comes to your weight loss efforts. Believe it or not we help...
Allergy Treatments and Cure
Aah-aah-aah-choo! That sound marks the time of year for stuffy noses and itchy, watery eyes. The best treatments are started early and used...
Get Your Mojo Going!
Most of us could use a bit more of it. Some people suffer from a complete lack of it. Athletes burn a lot with activity and we all need it to...
Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD)
Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD) is a condition reported in individuals following exposure to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) used in...
Discover the P-Shot (Priapus Shot): Enhancing Men’s Health Through Regenerative Medicine
The Priapus Shot, or P-Shot, is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to enhance sexual...
RGCC Supplement List
CLASS I CYTOXIC AGENTS Artecin, Artesunate, Super Artemisinin (sweet wormwood) Artecin, Artesunate, and Super Artemisinin are derived from...
The O-Shot: A Revolutionary Approach to Female Sexual Wellness
Understanding the O-Shot: The O-Shot, short for Orgasm Shot, is a cutting-edge medical procedure designed to enhance sexual satisfaction and address...
Parasite and Fungal Treatment Protocols
Chronic infection with parasites and/or fungi may be involved in all sorts of health issues, such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune...
The PRP Breast Lift Unveiled
The PRP Breast Lift represents an exciting advancement in the field of aesthetic medicine, providing a non-surgical option for those seeking a...
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a condition in which mast cells, a type of white blood cell involved in the immune system, release excessive...
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a syndrome characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. It is a...
Palliative Pearls
My summary notes from the wonderful book, "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande. ADLs Eat, toilet, bathe, groom, dress, get out of bed, get out of chair, walk IADLs Shop, prepare food, housekeep, do laundry, make phone calls, handle meds, handle finances, travel THREE...
Eating Freely
The Root Cause Oftentimes when working with patients, we uncover that difficulty with weight loss is rooted in stress eating, emotional eating and/or binge eating. This recognizable pattern typically goes from dieting to “falling off the wagon” to feeling guilty to...
Dendritic Cell Therapy (DCT) for Cancer
The goal of dendritic cell therapy is to prime dendritic cells to teach T cells and B cells how to recognize the cancer antigens.
Vitality for the Aging Woman – Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
The goal of anti-aging is to slow, stop, or even reverse many of the changes associated with aging. This means staying healthy, active, and vibrant of body and mind, while avoiding the common diseases and infirmities of aging. One cornerstone of anti-aging strategy...
Diagnose and Treat Hypothyroidism in 2021: New Endocrinology
Dr Alan McDaniel "hit a home run" with this excellent review of thyroid hormone physiology, diagnosis and treatment. After more than 20 years of specializing in thyroid treatment, having read dozens of books on thyroid and attended numerous lectures on thyroid, I...
Joint Injection Protocols
WJ-Pure+ 1mL $1500 EV-Pure+ 1mL/15 billion cells $2500, 4.5mL/85 billions cells $4000 PRP 1 vial $250
Consent and Contract for Controlled Substances
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you separately....
Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)
MARCH Massive Hemorrhage CAT Quickclot Compressed guaze Kerlex / Coban / Israeli gauze / ETD Duct tape iTClamp Airway NP airway King airway I-Gel airway Cric kit / Cric-Key / Control Cric kit Tracheotomy kit Laryngoscope Bag mask Respirations CPR face mask Chest seal...
IV Therapies for Cancer
In treating cancer IV infusions allow substances to have a stronger impact on the cancer cells.
Atypical Breast Hyperplasia, Ductal Carcinoma In Situ & Lobular Carcinoma In Situ
There is controversy on just how aggressive we need to be in treating these common precancers. The following articles shed light on questions regarding the various treatment benefits. Atypical Breast Hyperplasia Ductal carcinoma in situ: to treat or not to treat,...
Cologuard Order Form
Cologuard is an at home stool test that is used to screen for colorectal cancer by detecting DNA markers or blood in the stool sample. It is intended to screen adults over 45 years of age. It is a reasonable alternative to colonoscopy unless you have a higher risk...
Whey Protein Concentrate versus Isolate
Here are the main steps in making whey protein isolate. Whole milk -> Cheesemaking -> Cheese and Whey (whey protein, a lot of lactose, a lot of minerals) Filtration... Whey protein concentrate (25-80% whey protein, up to 55% lactose, 1-7% fat) Micro...
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The Integrative Medicine Approach
To integrate is to “form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole”. Integrative medicine blends together traditional Western medicine with Eastern healing traditions and other complementary and alternative therapies. It also integrates the patient as...
Anti-Microbial Soaps
With the rise of hospital and health care related infections, there has been a needed push to improve the frequency and effectiveness of hand washing by health care workers. This has spilled over into the general consumer market with a plethora of anti-bacterial...
The Ten Hallmarks of Cancer
In two landmark scientific papers, Douglas Hanahan of the University of California, San Francisco and Robert Weinberg of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology described the Hallmarks of Cancer this way: Self-Sufficent Cell Division Cells are organized into tissues...
Nebulized Peroxide and Glutathione
Using a nebulizer A nebulizer is a machine that blows air, or oxygen, through a solution of medication such that it "nebulizes" the solution for inhalation. Put simply, it is like breathing in a mist that contains the medication. We commonly use nebulizers to...
Hormones for a Healthy Heart
What if we had a new medication that slashed the risk of the leading cause of death by about 50 percent? And what if that medication also helped prevent osteoporosis and dementia? That same medication is not a medication at all but rather one of our own hormones...
The Buzz on Botox and Fillers
The Aging Face As we age the face presents clear evidence of the years. Depletion of fat pads in the upper face leads to volume loss and causes the once youthful high cheekbone to disappear allowing the cheeks to drop, hollowness in the mid-cheek, sagging jawline and...
Peel Away Aging Skin with a Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are a simple and effective method of removing many of the signs of aging or damaged skin while stimulating the natural process of rebuilding new and youthful collagen. If you would like to brighten and refresh your skin's health and appearance consider...
In the Spirit of Great Health
Can the mind really exert a significant influence on your health, and how does spirituality or religiosity play a role? Does faith in and of its self confer health benefits, and if so, does it matter if you go to church? It is becoming clear that a high level of...
Advanced Testing to Prevent and Reverse Artery Plaque
Cholesterol is our friend. It’s part of every cell membrane in the body, a good portion of brain material, precursor to our helpful steroid hormones, and involved in the repair of artery wall defects. But, cholesterol is also what makes up the plaques that clog the...
Bon Appétit with Healthy Fats
“Hydrogenated” oils are stuffed full of hydrogen atoms and bad for your health. “Trans” fats are the result of heat and artificial hydrogenation, have an un-natural structure, and become incorporated into cell membranes and nerve tissue causing harm. Omega-6 oils lead...
The Language of Fats
Good fats, bad fats, trans fats, omega-3, omega-6, hydrogenated, unsaturated… it gets confusing trying to sort out which fats we are supposed to eat and which ones to avoid. With a little explanation and a little chemistry you will understand the language of fats –...
Diabetes Meds
Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) Comparisons
Go Organic with the Dirty Dozen
The “USDA Organic” label is familiar to most shoppers, yet there is confusion about the definition of organic. And while many people purchase organic foods, others feel they can’t afford it. Still others think it doesn’t matter and is not worth the extra cost. While I...
Death via the Prescription Pad
Primum non nocere or “first, do no harm” is taught to all healthcare providers, so that we might always remember that in our efforts to do something good we also risk doing something bad. Physicians, much like politicians, often feel the need to do something even when...
T Helper Dominance
T helper cells are a type of white blood cell that play a central role in regulating the immune system. They are essential for orchestrating immune responses, ensuring proper defense against pathogens, and maintaining tolerance to prevent autoimmunity. But they...
Calm but not Fatigued
We all want to be in the mental “zone” — you know, between having plenty of energy yet feeling calm and relaxed. For so many of my patients this seems to be a paradox. Seeking that morning “get up and go” energy with caffeine or sugar, feeling anxious and unsettled...
Quicksilver Testing Booklet
Quicksilver Testing Booklet
Heavy Metal Symptoms Guide
Handy guide to signs and symptoms of low and high levels of nutrient and toxic metals. Nutrient and Toxic Element Levels and Symptoms Guide
Consent for Prolozone
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you...
Consent for Joint Injection
Please read this form entirely. It contains information to assist you in making a decision to have a specific therapy. Initial each paragraph if you understand it. If you do not understand it, do not initial it and each paragraph will be discussed with you...
Covid19 Therapies
Covid19 infection presents some unique and serious challenges. We've learned much about the details of the infection in general, why some groups are at much higher risk of death from the infection and why many people who recover from the initial illness continue with...
Histamine avoidance diet
Histamine is a chemical created endogenously by the immune system and is present in some foods. By eliminating foods with histamine for six weeks to three months, and later reintroducing them, we can find which histamine laden foods your body can and can not tolerate....
Adrenal Crisis Emergency Kit
What is an adrenal crisis? An adrenal crisis is the result of an extreme physical or emotional stress that does not get the necessary steroid coverage to meet that stress. It is a potentially life-threatening medical emergency that requires management in a hospital or...
Hemochromatosis Diet
Notes on diet for hemochromatosis: The most important things to avoid: Iron supplementation Fortified foods with iron &/or vitamin C Vitamin C supplements Red meat, shellfish (or consume very infrequently and pair with calcium-rich foods) Alcohol The most...
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) Testing
Screening Tests for Biotoxin Illness Visual Contrast Sensitivity testing measures your ability to see details at low contrast levels and is often used as a nonspecific test of neurological function. The results of the test can then be used as an aid in the diagnosis...
Disagreement with the FDA position on treating “age related” testosterone deficiency
Commentary and literature review by author Abdulmaged M. Traish, published Dec 2020 in the journal Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics, takes issue with the position taken by the FDA against testosterone replacement therapy in men with low testosterone due...
Helminth Therapy / Providers