Could SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Be Responsible for Long-COVID Syndrome? luteolin quercitin rutin fisetin lithium 110mg lithium orotate...
Covid19 Management, The FLCCC Protocols
The following Covid19 management protocols were developed by Paul Marik, MD, Professor of Medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine...
Anti-Microbial Soaps
With the rise of hospital and health care related infections, there has been a needed push to improve the frequency and effectiveness of hand...
Covid19 Therapies
Covid19 infection presents some unique and serious challenges. We've learned much about the details of the infection in general, why some groups...
Covid19 Cytokine Storm
Researchers are identifying exactly which cytokines (inflammation causing chemicals) are primarily responsible for signaling the storm of...
Covid19 Vaccines
The novel Covid19 pandemic has created a medical maelstrom, along with great political and societal unrest. Now that the long anticipated Covid19...