IV Therapies for Cancer

by | Jan 16, 2022 | Articles, Cancer, Conditions, Intravenous therapies, Uncategorized

Intravenous therapies, or IVs, offer the ability to get much higher blood levels of certain nutrients, antioxidants, or other compounds than is possible by oral supplementation.  This allows the various substances to better penetrate into the body’s cellular tissues and helps the body to assimilate key nutrients where it matters most, deep in the cellular structures.  In treating cancer IV infusions allow substances to have a stronger impact on the cancer cells.  In some cases we are able to arrange for IV therapy to be done at home.

The mainstays of our IV therapies for cancer are the high dose vitamin C and PolyMVA.  Additional IVs are sometimes used depending on the specific cancer and/or patient requests.  How long patients continue IV therapies depends on their specific situation and response to therapy.  IV therapy is typically continued until there is an improvement of patient condition, either stabilization of tumor or no detection of cancer for a 12 month period, at which point we begin decreasing the frequency of IV infusions.  Infusion time and finances need to be carefully considered to assess whether one is able to continue the treatment enough to see benefit.

High Dose Vitamin C

High dose IV vitamin C (IVC) makes it possible to achieve blood levels up to 100x higher than possible with oral supplementation, which allows rapid restoration of vitamin C in body tissue.  IVC is found to be beneficial for boosting immune function, recovery from surgery and illness, and published case studies report anti-cancer efficacy, improved patient well-being, and decreases in markers of inflammation and tumor growth.

We follow the “Riordan Protocol” when treating patients with cancer as the Riordan Clinic Research Institute (RCRI) has been researching the potential of intravenous vitamin C therapy for over thirty years.  Their efforts have included in vitro studies, animal studies, pharmacokinetic analyses, and clinical trials.  Ideally patients receive IVC 2-3x/week.


Poly-MVA is a uniquely formulated proprietary blend of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, formyl-methionine, plus trace amounts of molybdenum, and ruthenium. This formulation is designed to provide energy to enhance the body systems by changing the electrical potential of cells and promoting proper or normal metabolism within the cell.  A member of the Lipoic Acid Mineral Complexes (LAMC), Poly-MVA may assist in boosting immune response by replenishing key nutrients and supporting cellular metabolism.

It has been shown that LAMC has the ability to support the cell’s normal pathway to apoptosis because of its ability to upregulate, maintain and protect the electrical charge of healthy cells – all the while forcing cancer cells to utilize oxygen pathways they do not have and support aerobic respiration.  Additionally, LAMC has been shown to protect against radiation-related damage, such as lowering of blood cell counts and initiating DNA damage in normal cells.  Ideally patients receive IV PolyMVA 2x/week.  More info on PolyMVA.


Salicinium helps remove the protective barrier or “cloak” of cancer cells thus modifying our own natural immune response enabling it to work as it should in killing the abnormal cancer cells.  IV treatment involves a series of 15 IVs usually done over the course of 3 weeks, along with various oral supplements specific to the salicinium protocol.  More on Salicinium.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Another potent anti-oxidant, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a fatty acid found in the body’s producers of cellular energy, the mitochondria. ALA forces cancer cell metabolism (without oxygen) into normal metabolism and floods them with oxygen.  We prescribe low dose naltrexone (LDN) along with IV alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) following a protocol developed by Dr Berkson.  Interview with Dr Berkson.

We start the ALA at 40mg and increase to 80, then 160, then a maintenance dose of 320mg.  It can lower blood sugar so we monitor that along the way and you always want to have a little snack beforehand.  Ideal is 3x/week on opposite days from IV vitamin C.  You should take oral ALA 2x/day along with this protocol and we have a “liposomal” form that is best absorbed.

Turmeric (Curcumin)

Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory compound, not only squelching inflammation directly but also turning off genetic switches that increase inflammation.  It has been shown to help treat cancer by increasing cancer cell death, slowing new blood vessel growth, and detoxing the body.

Considerations for frequent IVs

For prolonged IV therapies consider getting a special IV called a “central venous catheter” inserted which can remain in place for years.  This has the advantage of being accessed without needing a needle stick for every peripheral IV.  It is also makes it possible to do IV therapies at home, saving patients lots of time and money that can be utilized for additional treatments.

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