Are Your Foods Harming You?
Believe it or not most of us have varying degrees of health problems caused by the foods we eat. Food intolerances or allergies can lead to many common symptoms and diseases, and surprisingly many foods we think of as healthy are common culprits. Moreover, these foods are often ones we frequently eat.
The most common symptoms caused by delayed food allergies are brain fog, fatigue, nasal congestion, indigestion, gas, bloating, diarrhea, rashes and joint aches. We also see mood changes such as depression, anxiety or attention-deficit or hyperactivity. Even weight gain is caused by food allergies – patients commonly lose 10-20 pounds within a few months of removing certain foods from their diet.
Having provided food allergy testing for over almost 25 years, Dr. Rollins continues to be amazed at the outcomes with the elimination of food allergens. In recent years, we test 6 to 8 people each and every week, and estimate 70% to 80% of all patients tested report positive results, with at least 20% to 30% reporting “amazing” results. For many it was the key to helping them lose weight, cure a chronic illness or markedly improve how they feel.
Food allergy testing is easy and we recommend it to everyone. We’ve seen hundreds of patients undergo amazing recoveries after years of struggling to find an answer to their health problems. Our special food allergy program involves testing with follow up medical and nutritional counseling.