Dr. Rollins Articles
Adrenal Anti-Aging Powerhouses
Would you like to increase muscle mass, lose weight, build stronger bones, lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes, improve your immune...
How To Choose a Supplement: Part 3, Picking the Right Product
Picking the Right Product Now we are down to picking a specific product. In this series we reviewed how to check labels for reputable products,...
How to Choose a Supplement: Part 2, Control of Oxidation and Inflammation
Control of Oxidation Because we live on planet earth we oxidize. Much like a piece of rusting metal the process of oxidation slowly damages our DNA...
How to Choose a Supplement: Part 1, Do We Need Supplements?
Do we need Supplements? On June 19, 2002, the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) contained a scientific review article titled...
The Miracle of Medicinal Mushrooms
The humble fungi, with its visible fruit called the mushroom, holds some of nature’s most potent weapons. Used by the plant to protect it from...
Go Organic by Avoiding the Dirty Dozen
The “USDA Organic” label is familiar to most shoppers, yet there is confusion about the definition of organic. And while many people purchase...
Keys to Great Health
"Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that made him sick." —Hippocrates Health, like so many things, does not rely...
The Hidden Epidemic of Celiac Disease
What disease can destroy the lining of the gut without you even knowing? What disease is present in about 1 in 133 people, yet only diagnosed in...
Control Your Genetic Destiny with Epigenetics
Blame it on our genes — the blueprint for life that we inherit without having any say in the matter. We have been led to believe that you can’t...
Staying in Balance & Avoiding Burnout
Burnout is a special kind of stress, best defined as being exhausted and just losing interest in what you do. The physical and mental effects may...
Oooh that Sun Burns….
With a little bit of sun, I turn pink right away, while my wife goes right to a golden brown. My Scottish skin type apparently doesn't react the...
Floxed by Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Floxed refers to the devastating effects of a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones (FQs) and may include symptoms of extreme fatigue, tendon...
Mistletoe Injections
Cleanse the skin with alcohol pad and let dry. Inject just below the skin into subcutaneous fat. The standard needle for this should be about 1/2 inch long. You will normally inject the product three times a week at various sites, e.g. abdomen, upper thighs, or upper...
Brain Wave Frequencies
Brain cells communicate via electrical signals, which occur at different frequencies. These frequencies are what we refer to as "brainwaves" and are associated with very specific brain activity. 0-3 Delta - Sleep Delta waves are the slowest and highest-amplitude...
Autism Triad
Restore myelination Restore methyltransferase Improve mitochondrial health
Cancer Protocol
Every patient and every cancer is different, yet there are some common therapies that we have found helpful. Our cancer protocol is simply meant to be a starting point for most patients. Cancer Development and Treatment Goals Read our article on Cancer Development...
Starting the New Year with Healthy Habits
Here we go, again. New Years resolutions, goals, wishes... If you hope to improve your health, lose weight, live longer or live better, here are some tips. Follow these simple guidelines and you may find your New Years goals actually happen. Attitude Attitude...
A Christmas Music Prescription
If laughter is the best medicine, then I’d like to think music is a close second. I discovered around the age of 18 that I have an ear for playing music, which is a blessing and a curse. I'm confessing that my love for music borders on problematic. Most days if I’m...
Heart and Soul
Anxiety causes heart attacks, according to the “Heart and Soul Study” published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, in which over 1000 people with generalized anxiety disorder were examined and found to have a 74% increased risk for cardiovascular events, defined...
Transforming Healthcare in the 21st Century
By guest author, Judith Olesen Americans too often pay a high price for the ways in which conventional medicine is practiced. We pay a price not only financially, but also in terms of untold human suffering. Our bodies are treated somewhat akin to machines made up of...
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is our nation’s official time for giving thanks, counting our blessings, and sharing kindness and courtesy to friends, family and even strangers. The spirit of gratitude, defined as “the quality of being thankful, or readiness to show appreciation for and...
Stress Management Techniques
You have the ability to control the effect of stress on your mind and body. As one may not be able to remove or avoid all stress the goal at some point is to change the impact it has on you. These simple stress management techniques are important tools you can use...
Statin Drugs and High Cholesterol: A Story of Associations, Assumptions and Dogma
The love affair with statin drugs has turned from sizzle to fizzle as the irrational enthusiasm for these cholesterol-lowering drugs faces increasing scrutiny. While some would go so far as to put statins in the water supply, or sprinkled into every Big-Mac, research...
Why Am I So Tired – Could it be Adrenal Fatigue?
The body has a marvelous system for dealing with acute stress, allowing us to meet challenges and perform at a high level both physically and mentally. But, chronic stress, day in and day out without respite, leads to burnout and numerous health problems, especially...
Vitality for the Aging Man
Men, if you feel like you are losing your mojo then it's time to check your testosterone level. Aging men will have a predictable decline in the male sex hormone, testosterone, leading to decreased energy and fatigue, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, and loss of sex...
Please Pour the Coffee
Legend has it that around 1200 years ago an Ethiopian goat herder observed his animals energetically dancing around after eating the bright red berries of a local plant. Following the goats’ lead the young man and soon those of his region began eating the berries for...
Alzheimer’s: The Second Most Feared Disease
According to a 2021 Center for Disease Control survey, this disease is the second most feared, even more than a heart attack or stroke. It's known as Alzheimer’s dementia, which includes the progressive loss of mental and physical function that starts as an anxious...
Preventing Cognitive Decline – A 12 Week Course to a Better Brain
This is an upcoming 12-week course to learn the underlying causes of cognitive decline and the practical lifestyle steps to ensure optimal brain health at any age. Hosted by Western Slope Memory Care and taught by Judith Olesen, Certified Nutrition and Memory Coach,...
Weight Loss the Integrative Medicine Way
If losing weight seems impossible then rest assured for there is an answer to the weight loss equation and it lies at the heart of integrative medicine. By taking a holistic functional medicine approach, integrating behavioral coaching with medical science, everyone...
Mistletoe Therapy
Mistletoe (viscus album) is a unique plant that grows from the bark of trees. The most commonly used forms are from apple, oak, pine and fir trees. Mistletoe medicinal products are made from the berries, leaves, stems and roots. Used as a medicinal plant for...
High Intensity Interval Training
If you don’t have time to exercise, then you had better make time to be sick, because so much of our health depends on getting the right amount and the right types of exercise. We all know it, but we get distracted with life, and guess what gets put off until tomorrow...
Get to the Root Cause with Functional Medicine
Each disease has a cause and a treatment, or so we are taught in medical school. Identify the disease then prescribe the drug or perform the surgery. This approach works well for many things, such as an acute infection or appendicitis, and indeed Western medicine has...
The End of Alzheimer’s notes
My notes from reading "The End of Alzheimer's" by Dr Bredesen - Most have ApoE 3/3 = 9% AD risk - 25% have a single ApoE4 = 30% risk - 2% have two ApoE4 = 50% risk - 2/3 of AD patients are ApoE4 positive - ApoE4 positive = inflammatory state – devoted to...
Estrogen Dominance
Estrogen dominance is a very common condition with women, and may include symptoms such as PMS, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, breast tenderness, water retention, mid-cycle bleeding or heavy painful menstrual cycles. Conditions such as uterine fibroids,...
Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune disease is caused by the immune system attacking one's own body, instead of doing it's normal job of defending against foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, etc. For example, in rheumatoid arthritis the target is joints, in type 1 diabetes the target...
Semaglutide and Tirzepatide for Weight Loss
Semaglutide and tirzepatide are drugs normally used for treating type 2 diabetes. However, they have also been found to promote significant weight loss in non-diabetics. A recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine showed patients treated with Semaglutide...
Get the Lead Out
‘In THAT direction,’ the Cat said, waving its right paw round, ‘lives a Hatter - and in THAT direction,’ waving the other paw, ‘lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they're both mad.’ Thus, Lewis Carroll immortalized the term “Mad Hatter” in his 19th century...
Calorie Restriction Mimetics
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to improve your health, lose weight, and extend your maximum lifespan? For over 80 years scientific studies have consistently shown that we can, as “calorie restriction” will do all these things! It seems that by routinely reducing...
Why am I dog tired – Could it be Low Thyroid?
If you suffer from fatigue, sluggishness, or trouble losing weight then you might be low on your thyroid hormone. Other symptoms could include intolerance of cold or cold body temperature, brittle thinning hair, dry skin, constipation or indigestion. You might even be...
Spirits of good health
Can the mind really exert a significant influence on your health, and how does spirituality or religiosity play a role? Does faith in and of its self confer health benefits, and if so, does it matter if you go to church? It is becoming clear that a high level of...
Controversy in Prostate Cancer Screening
The US Preventive Services Task Force ignited a firestorm of controversy within the medical community by announcing that the PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test should no longer be recommended as a routine screening tool for detection of prostate cancer. ...
Bone Health
How Bones are Made Thought of only as the rigid framework that supports the body, bones actually do much more and are a big player in many metabolic and hormonal systems. Bone is a complex and constantly remodeling organ that requires far more than just calcium for...
Is estrogen good or bad? Should you take it or avoid it? Are estrogens a concern for men as well as women? The answer depends in part on the type of estrogen. Estrogen is the main female hormone, causing breast development, monthly menstrual cycles, the shape of a...
The Glycemic Index
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal - in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index (GI) describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones...
Anti-Aging Strategies
The goal of anti-aging is to slow, stop, or even reverse many of the changes associated with aging. This means staying healthy, active, and vibrant of body and mind, while avoiding the common diseases and infirmities of aging. One cornerstone of anti-aging strategy...
IV Therapies
Intravenous infusions, or IVs, offer the ability to get much higher blood levels of certain nutrients, antioxidants, or other compounds than is possible by oral supplementation. This allows the various substances to penetrate into the body's cellular tissues at a...
Visiting Grand Junction
Thank you to all of our patients who travel from out of town or even from out of state for consultation and treatment. I'm often sharing information about eating venues or sight seeing recommendations, so here's a list of some of our favorite places to eat, stay and...
Avoid these Chemicals and Save Your Thyroid
The main symptoms of low thyroid include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depression, trouble losing weight, cold intolerance or low body temperature, brittle and thinning hair, slow-growing nails and dry skin. If you have “normal” thyroid blood tests yet suffer...
Wine Tasting Notes
See, swirl, sniff, sip, savor. A 20 point scoring system for judging wine. Wine-Tasting-Chart-2024 Appearance, see and swirl (3) Clarity - bright, dull, bitty, hazy, cloudy, sediment Intensity - Colorless, pale, medium, dark, opaque Color White - green, yellow/green,...
Arthritis Relief
Suffering from arthritis is very common and the conventional treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen is fraught with side effects and risks. I’ve written before about the dangers of NSAIDS, including ulcers, kidney toxicity,...
Repurposed Drugs for Cancer
Many drugs have "pleotropic" properties, meaning they have actions other than those for which the agent was specifically developed. While the quest for better treatments for cancer is ongoing, there is still a large unmet need and increasing interest in the potential...
Childhood Exanthems
The six childhood exanthems, also known as the "sixth diseases" or "sixth exanthems," are a group of viral infections that commonly affect children. An exanthem refers to a widespread rash that occurs on the skin as a symptom of an underlying medical condition,...
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a widely used screening tool designed to assess various cognitive domains, including attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visual constructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and...