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Dr. Rollins Articles

Bone Health

How Bones are Made Thought of only as the rigid framework that supports the body, bones actually do much more and are a big player in many metabolic...

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Is estrogen good or bad? Should you take it or avoid it? Are estrogens a concern for men as well as women?  The answer depends in part on the type...

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The Glycemic Index

Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal - in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies.  The glycemic index (GI) describes this...

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IV Therapies

Intravenous infusions, or IVs, offer the ability to get much higher blood levels of certain nutrients, antioxidants, or other compounds than is...

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Visiting Grand Junction

Thank you to all of our patients who travel from out of town or even from out of state for consultation and treatment.  I'm often sharing...

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Wine Tasting Notes

See, swirl, sniff, sip, savor.  A 20 point scoring system for judging wine. Wine-Tasting-Chart-2024 Appearance, see and swirl (3) Clarity - bright,...

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Arthritis Relief

Suffering from arthritis is very common and the conventional treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen is...

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Repurposed Drugs for Cancer

Many drugs have "pleotropic" properties, meaning they have actions other than those for which the agent was specifically developed.  While the quest...

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Childhood Exanthems

The six childhood exanthems, also known as the "sixth diseases" or "sixth exanthems," are a group of viral infections that commonly affect...

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Heart Screening Tests

How high is your cholesterol and should you care? If it is high, yes, but if it is normal then don’t rest easy… Would you believe only 50% of people who develop heart disease are identified using total cholesterol levels alone? This is true, according to data from the...

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Heart Headlines 4

Heart Muscle Regenerates Once damaged, heart muscle does not recover – or does it? British scientists have reported that it may be possible for the heart to repair itself after injury, and they have discovered a protein molecule that stimulates this process. Dr Peter...

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Heart Headlines

Chocolate good for heart and brain Leave it to the French to present results of a new study showing that chocolate is good for the heart and brain. From Paris, France, investigators are reporting that individuals who ate the most chocolate had a 37% lower risk of...

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Heart Headlines 3

Heart Health A host of recent studies examine the role of diet in the risk for heart diseases, including high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Some may confirm what you already knew, but others might surprise you! An observational study of over 70,000 middle...

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Hair Removal As Easy As 1, 2, 3…

Hair Removal As Easy As 1, 2, 3…

Hints of spring are in the air and soon bare skin will be back in the daylight.  If you are tired of shaving, waxing or plucking unwanted hair, then now is the time to consider laser hair removal as advanced technology has made this procedure simple, effective and...

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Cancer Prevention

Cancer Prevention

“You have cancer” are perhaps the most frightening words I ever speak and the words you fear most from your doctor.  Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US and one of the leading causes around the world.  According to the World Health Organization, in...

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Cancer Screening

Catch cancer early – that’s the point of cancer screening.  During an annual check-up we focus on early detection of cancer.  There are things that you can do to monitor for early cancer development and tests your doctor should recommend you consider as well. ...

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A Medley of Heart Health News

A Medley of Heart Health News

Invincible Young Americans Younger Americans are not making the connection between unhealthy behaviors and future risk of heart disease and stroke.  In a new survey by the American Stroke Association, 80% of young Americans questioned believe they are living healthy...

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