Dr. Rollins Articles
Get Super Fit
Wellness is quite more than the absence of disease. Similarly, to be “well” does not automatically mean one is fit. Rather, there is a spectrum that...
The Ancient Practice of Yoga: A Modern Path to Wellness
Yoga, an ancient practice dating back thousands of years, has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity across the globe. While its roots lie in...
Hormones That Take Off the Pounds
The frustration of not losing weight despite eating right and exercising is often related to hormone imbalances. Last week I wrote about hormones...
Hormones that Pack on the Pounds
In the struggle to maintain a healthy weight many of us find there seems to be some hidden roadblock to our progress. Despite eating well and...
Food Combination Diets, Magic or Myth?
A Food Combination Diet The basic idea of a food combination diet is that certain foods do not digest optimally if eaten together, while others mix...
Fibromyalgia No Longer a Mystery
Imagine being so tired that you can’t function. I’m not talking about being pooped at the end of a long day at work or exhausted after a big hike. ...
Drug Resistance and Cancer Treatment
Multidrug Resistance Multidrug Resistance (MDR) refers to the ability of cancer cells to resist multiple chemotherapy drugs. This resistance is...
N1O1 and The Miracle of Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide (NO) is truly a miraculous compound that you need to know about since it plays a huge role in human health. I routinely recommend a...
Methylene Blue: The Tiny Molecule with Powerful Health Benefits
Methylene blue (MB) is a unique compound with a wide range of potential health benefits, particularly for energy production, brain function, and...
Fenbendazole Resources Cancer
Fenbendazole Dosing Oct.3, 2023 - FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER - at least 12 Anti-Cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills...
Ivermectin Resources Cancer
Ivermectin Dosing for Cancer Treatment June 10, 2024 - "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 018: High Dose IVERMECTIN and CANCER 2024 - NEW STUDIES...
Exploring the Parallel Universe of Functional Medicine
There are two worlds of medicine today, the conventional disease-centered model and the patient-centered model that treats each person as a unique...
Drug Resistance and Cancer Treatment
Multidrug Resistance Multidrug Resistance (MDR) refers to the ability of cancer cells to resist multiple chemotherapy drugs. This resistance is often caused by mutations or overexpression of genes such as ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein, also called MDR1), ABCC1 (MRP1), and...
N1O1 and The Miracle of Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide (NO) is truly a miraculous compound that you need to know about since it plays a huge role in human health. I routinely recommend a product that increases NO, called N1O1 for help with blood pressure, artery health, and healthy aging in general - read on...
Methylene Blue: The Tiny Molecule with Powerful Health Benefits
Methylene blue (MB) is a unique compound with a wide range of potential health benefits, particularly for energy production, brain function, and longevity. Originally used as a dye and medical treatment for conditions like methemoglobinemia, MB has gained interest for...
Fenbendazole Resources Cancer
Fenbendazole Dosing Oct.3, 2023 - FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER - at least 12 Anti-Cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no Clinical Trials? Nine research papers reviewed. Recent Studies (2024 Apr, Rodrigues et al) -...
Ivermectin Resources Cancer
Ivermectin Dosing for Cancer Treatment June 10, 2024 - "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 018: High Dose IVERMECTIN and CANCER 2024 - NEW STUDIES 2024 Baghli et al - Targeting the Mitochondrial-Stem Cell Connection in Cancer Treatment: A Hybrid Orthomolecular...
Exploring the Parallel Universe of Functional Medicine
There are two worlds of medicine today, the conventional disease-centered model and the patient-centered model that treats each person as a unique entity with diverse systems of genetic, biologic, social and environmental inputs. As a board certified, teaching...
Healthy Skin Inside and Out
Skin is the largest organ in the body and has considerable influence on our well being both from a medical as well as psychological standpoint. The good news is that it is now well within reach of anyone to improve the health and appearance of their skin. A...
Turn Back the Hands of Time with Fractional Laser
We can’t slow time, but we can turn back the hands a little with laser skin therapy. Take years off your skin age, reduce sun damage, smooth wrinkles and fine lines, and tighten and tone sagging lax skin. The latest generation of lasers for skin therapy is bringing...
A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine
How delightful to learn that laughter really is the best medicine and will perhaps add as many good years to your life as other familiar health tips. Could it be so simple that a positive attitude reduces heart disease and stress-related hormones, improves the immune...
Adventure Medical Kits
What if your routine cross-country ski jaunt turned emergent and you were stranded - would you be able to spend a night out in the mountains? Or how about an incapacitating sprained ankle or illness during the backpacking trip – how would you deal with that? Having...
Enkiri-Enmusubi, Changing Bad to Good
"Enkiri-enmusubi" (縁切り縁結び) refers to the Japanese cultural concept of cutting off bad ties or connections (enkiri) and forming or strengthening good ones (enmusubi). This practice is often associated with specific shrines in Japan where people seek divine intervention...
Regenerative Injections
We specialize in a variety of injections that assist the body in healing injuries or regenerating tissue. Arthritis can be reversed in some cases while most patients with even advanced arthritis can find relief from pain along with improved mobility. Injured or...
Kaizen, Change for the Better
The term "Kaizen" (改善) is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better". It embodies the philosophy of continuous, incremental improvement, focusing on making small, ongoing changes to processes to enhance efficiency, quality, and productivity. This can apply to...
Adrenal Anti-Aging Powerhouses
Would you like to increase muscle mass, lose weight, build stronger bones, lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes, improve your immune system and preserve memory? Two adrenal hormones are able to do all of this, but with normal aging the production of these...
How To Choose a Supplement: Part 3, Picking the Right Product
Picking the Right Product Now we are down to picking a specific product. In this series we reviewed how to check labels for reputable products, what mineral forms to avoid, and a few general points about the type of vitamin ingredients. We also focused on the role...
How to Choose a Supplement: Part 2, Control of Oxidation and Inflammation
Control of Oxidation Because we live on planet earth we oxidize. Much like a piece of rusting metal the process of oxidation slowly damages our DNA and cellular functions. Oxidation is arguably the driving force behind the degenerative diseases of aging including...
How to Choose a Supplement: Part 1, Do We Need Supplements?
Do we need Supplements? On June 19, 2002, the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) contained a scientific review article titled "Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults", which addressed the debate regarding the use of vitamin supplements and...
The Miracle of Medicinal Mushrooms
The humble fungi, with its visible fruit called the mushroom, holds some of nature’s most potent weapons. Used by the plant to protect it from invaders these natural compounds have been used for thousands of years to help fight cancer, boost the immune system, support...
Go Organic by Avoiding the Dirty Dozen
The “USDA Organic” label is familiar to most shoppers, yet there is confusion about the definition of organic. And while many people purchase organic foods, others feel they can’t afford it. Still others think it doesn’t matter and is not worth the extra cost. While I...
Keys to Great Health
"Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that made him sick." —Hippocrates Health, like so many things, does not rely on a secret key that suddenly unlocks the pathway to success. We can’t have instant success, instant loyalty or trust,...
The Hidden Epidemic of Celiac Disease
What disease can destroy the lining of the gut without you even knowing? What disease is present in about 1 in 133 people, yet only diagnosed in about 3% of those who have it? Celiac disease… What is Celiac Disease? Wheat and other grains are made up mostly of...
Control Your Genetic Destiny with Epigenetics
Blame it on our genes — the blueprint for life that we inherit without having any say in the matter. We have been led to believe that you can’t change your genes, and thus we are destined to inherit certain traits. It turns out this is not entirely true. We can’t...
Staying in Balance & Avoiding Burnout
Burnout is a special kind of stress, best defined as being exhausted and just losing interest in what you do. The physical and mental effects may lead to cynicism, depression, and fatigue that can affect one’s health and happiness, as well as relationships and job...
Oooh that Sun Burns….
With a little bit of sun, I turn pink right away, while my wife goes right to a golden brown. My Scottish skin type apparently doesn't react the same way that her Italian skin does. Why the different reactions, and how does the sun brown, burn, and age the skin?...
Floxed by Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Floxed refers to the devastating effects of a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones (FQs) and may include symptoms of extreme fatigue, tendon rupture, joint and muscle pains, nerve pains, and nervous system disturbances. The symptoms may resolve after stopping...
Brain Training with NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback
Our Electrical Brain Our brain produces electrical activity, which can be measured in the form of brainwaves. These brainwaves occur at different frequencies and are associated with various states of consciousness, cognition, and emotional regulation. Specific brain...
Food for Your Mood
The foods you eat have a lot to do with how you feel, in a myriad of ways you might not imagine. Certain foods help the brain function better and eating more of them might even help prevent dementia. Other foods, or food ingredients, can directly or indirectly wreak...
Sunscreen Tips for Youthful Skin
The number one thing that ages skin is sunshine. Not just the sunburn, but the relentless day-to-day exposure to the sun causes the skin damage that leads to discolored spots, wrinkles and sagging skin. And don’t be fooled as most sunscreens do not protect from all...
Breast Thermography
Breast thermography is a quick, painless, no contact imaging technique that can be part of an early detection program for breast cancer. Using no radiation, thermography picks up heat using an infra-red imaging system. Physiologic changes such as infection,...
Improve Health with a “Myer’s” Cocktail
Infusing various vitamins or anti-oxidants directly into the bloodstream will achieve blood levels as much as ten times higher than possible with oral vitamin intake. This make intravenous (IV) infusions effective in treating a wide range of medical issues, from...
Digestive Health and Weight Loss
If you struggle with your weight then consider the role of digestive health when it comes to your weight loss efforts. Believe it or not we help many people lose weight by solely focusing on their overall digestive health. The gut plays such a vital role in total...
Allergy Treatments and Cure
Aah-aah-aah-choo! That sound marks the time of year for stuffy noses and itchy, watery eyes. The best treatments are started early and used regularly. Here are some tips on natural, over the counter, and prescription relief, as well the closest thing to a cure for...
Get Your Mojo Going!
Most of us could use a bit more of it. Some people suffer from a complete lack of it. Athletes burn a lot with activity and we all need it to maintain a sharp mental state. What I’m referring to is energy, and in order to move and think, we need it. Get a little...
Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD)
Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD) is a condition reported in individuals following exposure to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) used in MRI procedures. Symptoms typically manifest within hours to a month after exposure and can vary among individuals....
Discover the P-Shot (Priapus Shot): Enhancing Men’s Health Through Regenerative Medicine
The Priapus Shot, or P-Shot, is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to enhance sexual function in men. Named after the Greek god of fertility, Priapus, this innovative treatment aims to rejuvenate and...
RGCC Supplement List
CLASS I CYTOXIC AGENTS Artecin, Artesunate, Super Artemisinin (sweet wormwood) Artecin, Artesunate, and Super Artemisinin are derived from the sweet wormwood plant (Artemisia annua), and have demonstrated potential anticancer properties through several...
The O-Shot: A Revolutionary Approach to Female Sexual Wellness
Understanding the O-Shot: The O-Shot, short for Orgasm Shot, is a cutting-edge medical procedure designed to enhance sexual satisfaction and address various sexual health concerns in women. Developed by Dr. Charles Runels, the O-Shot involves the extraction and...
Parasite and Fungal Treatment Protocols
Chronic infection with parasites and/or fungi may be involved in all sorts of health issues, such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disease. Eradicating the pathogens is not easy due to their persistent nature. We have established parasite and fungal...
The PRP Breast Lift Unveiled
The PRP Breast Lift represents an exciting advancement in the field of aesthetic medicine, providing a non-surgical option for those seeking a natural and rejuvenated breast appearance. The PRP Breast Lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a patient's own...
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a condition in which mast cells, a type of white blood cell involved in the immune system, release excessive amounts of chemicals such as histamine, prostaglandins, and other inflammatory substances inappropriately or...
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a syndrome characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that appears in childhood, often persists into adulthood, and typically involves difficulties with the...