Supportive Oligonucleotide Technique (SOT) or Q-REstrain is a treatment for cancer or infections with viruses or Lyme bacteria. Essentially SOT is the creation of a shutoff “key” that precisely fits a chosen “lock” portion of a cancer cell or pathogen. The “lock” is a specific section of DNA that normally controls an important function of the cancer cell or pathogen. The “key” binds to the “lock” and blocks the function thus killing the cancer cell or pathogen. After the cancer cell or pathogen dies the SOT compound is released and travels to the next target, thus fighting the cancer or infection 24/7 for months.
SOT and Antisense Oligonucleotides
Nucleotides are the molecules that form the backbone of our DNA. Oligo means “few” or “small”. Oligonucleotides are short single-stand DNA molecules. The creation of a specific oligonucleotide intended to bind to it’s counterpart in the body, is called an “antisense” oligonucleotide. Antisense implying the mirror image or the “lock and key” analogy.
The SOT is a small oligonucleotide which is complementary to a specific sequence of each individual gene which is related with the most active target options inside the cancer cell, viruses or Lyme bacteria (e.g. acylguanidines, RNA, non-nucleoside transcriptase, etc.). This is based on each individual and the most active target for that individual. The SOT life span is increased by a proprietary technique which makes this molecule unrecognizable by the enzymes that normally breakdown oligonucleotides and at the same time helps the SOT keep the same feature of solubility, membrane penetration and other complementary hallmarks as the normal oligonucleotides.
Hence, the SOT has a potent ability to block a specific target and block at a very high rate the expression and transcription of a gene which encodes a protein with one of the target options used. Since the molecule is not degraded, the complementary mRNA then releases the SOT so that it moves on to the next target with the same sequence. Hence, one molecule of SOT can potentially block many other relative targets in a very specific way. Therefore, death can be re-engaged in cancer cells, viruses and Lyme bacteria effectively. Finally, since it is complementary to one of the target options inside cancer cells, viruses and Lyme bacteria it is highly specific to these only and will only work for the patient that is was made for. The SOT itself rarely cause any adverse reactions since it is highly compatible with the organism.
SOT General Protocol
First the patient’s blood is drawn to obtain circulating tumor cells (CTCs), virus or Lyme bacteria. The blood is sent to RGCC and the SOT is created. The SOT is infused intravenously in the office. Intravenous antihistamines and steroids are given immediately prior to SOT administration in order lower the chance of an allergic reaction and tighten the vein walls to minimize leaking of SOT. The SOT may be repeated up to 3x per year if needed. With each round of SOT it is recommended to again test for the number of CTCs or presence of CTCs or pathogens. At some point the cancer or infection may be completely eradicated or remain stable in a quiet remission.
SOT for Cancer
SOT has been shown to be a very supportive treatment for cancer. SOT has the ability to induce apoptosis (cell death) in CTCs, CSCs and primary tumor cells. From a blood sample the CTCs are identified then a small molecule call microRNA is developed to match exactly into a “lock” portion of the cancer cell that controls vital cell functions. The SOT in injected intravenously, spreads throughout the body including past the blood-brain barrier, embeds into the cancer and will disrupt the ability of the cancer or pathogen to replicate. SOT has a stealth like ability to avoid destruction and will work 24/7 to fight cancer for as long as 6 months.
The risks of SOT infusion are primarily related to the sudden death of the cancer cells. If there is a large tumor burden then the cell death may produce a large amount of dead cellular debris leading to tumor lysis syndrome. To minimize risk in this situation a smaller dose of SOT is given or a weaker SOT is made. A recent PET/CT scan is recommended prior to SOT treatment in order to gauge current tumor burden. We generally avoid or use a weaker SOT if the total body tumor burden is more than 4-5cm.
Aside from tumor size/burden, the location of tumor may also increase risk. For example, if the tumor is in the brain or lung, then the sudden die-off may produce inflammation and fluid accumulation in the region. This might lead to seizures, or fluid accumulation in the lung space that would need to be drained. Again, weaker SOT treatments would be indicated.
Prior to SOT therapy, a blood draw for circulating tumor cell count is required through RGCC (oncocount, oncotrace, oncotrail, etc) and ideally a CTC count is repeated with each SOT treatment, both to monitor CTC count and/or account for cancer cell mutations. If it has been more than 6 months since the last SOT treatment, or the patient has undergone any form of chemotherapy between treatments a repeat blood draw for CTC count is mandatory.
SOT for Infections
SOT is also a cutting edge treatment for infections, including numerous viruses and the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. A confirmation of infection through any recognized, accredited US labs within 6 months prior to ordering SOT is sufficient to start therapy. Blood is then drawn and sent to RGCC to prepare the SOT treatment. Our main lab for testing is Vibrant Wellness.
The infusion protocol is the same for using SOT for cancer, however, tumor lysis syndrome is not an issue. Most patients doing SOT for infection do experience a month or so of feeling slightly worse, typically with flu-like symptoms, before starting to improve.
SOT List – Available To Order 2023
Another option for making the diagnosis of infection and/or to most accurately gauge response between SOT treatments, we recommend using the PrimeSpot or Paldispot panels though RGCCs affiliate lab, Biocentaur.
PrimeSpot Autoimmune Cytokines
SOT Costs
The SOT therapy costs are about $2750. The test for CTCs ranges from $1250-$3100 depending on which RGCC panel is drawn.
The initial PrimeSpot test will be about $1,650. If the patient has had a PrimeSpot within the last 12 months, a follow-up PrimeSpot fee will be about $400. Paldispot testing is $1600.