Wahls Protocol

by | Jul 4, 2019 | Articles, Autoimmune, Conditions, Nutrition

The Wahls Diet is consistent with my long standing recommendation of following a Mediterranean type diet, emphasizing lots and lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, with limited meat and dairy, and little to no sugar or high glycemic starches.  Limiting gluten and dairy reduces inflammation.  Further limiting all grains, legumes and even nightshades lowers inflammation even further.  Adding more fats leads into a healthy ketogenic diet.

I recommend the Wahls Diet for anyone with a chronic health condition, especially autoimmune diseases.

Wahls Paleo is good for those not improving with Wahls Diet, further lowering inflammatory foods and upping the ante on nutrients.  The big difference between Wahls diet and Wahls Paleo is the reduction in grains and the increase in nutrient-dense foods such as organ meats and oily fish

Walhs Paleo Plus is for those pursuing a nutritional ketogenic diet and is a great model to follow, helping insure plenty of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables are obtained even with high fat low carb ratio.  If you are overweight, diabetic, or have insulin resistance the Paleo Plus is a great option to get things back into balance and once resolved or improved then switch back to Wahls diet or Paleo. If you have a neurodegenerative disease or cancer the Paleo Plus can be a good long term option.

I highly recommend Dr Wahl’s book, “The Wahls Protocol”, and summarize the daily intake of the protocol here.


Wahls Diet

  1. 9 cups of fruits and vegetables per day
    1. 3 cups leafy greens
    2. 3 cups brightly colored
    3. 3 cups sulfur-rich
  2. Organic, grass-fed and wild caught meats, 6-12 oz
  3. No Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, high-glycemic flours or sugar

Wahls Paleo (autoimmune paleo)

  1. Increase animal protein to 12-20 oz
  2. Add seaweed and organ meats
  3. Add more raw, soaked and fermented foods
  4. Add nuts/seeds 4oz
  5. Reduce grains, legumes and potatoes to two servings per week

Wahls Paleo Plus (nutritional ketosis)

  1. Add more fats
  2. Lower fruits & vegetables to 4 to 6 cups per day
  3. Limit starchy vegetables to two servings per week
  4. No grains, legumes or potatoes
  5. Possibly no nightshades, nuts or seeds

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