In the Spirit of Great Health

Can the mind really exert a significant influence on your health, and how does spirituality or religiosity play a role? Does faith in and of its...

Soy & Breast Cancer Prevention

One of the most important elements in breast cancer prevention, and in applying safe methods for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), is understanding...

The Fast Track Detox Diet

The Fast Track Detox Diet book is a simple guide for detox.  We especially like that it is focused on diet / nutrition and no supplements are...

PSA testing

What is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test? Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test...

Walk Your Way to Health

I walk because it’s good for me. Most every morning, year round, rain or shine, my wife and I walk. Up the drive, along the gravel road, detour in...

Artery Health

There are things you can do to prevent, stabilize or even reverse arterial plaque.  The most powerful treatment is probably eating a more whole food...