Well Child Checks

Average Growth Chart of BF infants 18 Month WCC 15 Month WCC 12 Month WCC 9 Month WCC 6 Month WCC 4 Month WCC 2 month WCC 2 week...

Joint Injection Protocols

WJ-Pure+ 1mL $1500 EV-Pure+ 1mL/15 billion cells $2500, 4.5mL/85 billions cells $4000 PRP 1 vial $250

Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)

MARCH Massive Hemorrhage CAT Quickclot Compressed guaze Kerlex / Coban / Israeli gauze / ETD Duct tape iTClamp Airway NP airway King airway I-Gel...

IV Therapies for Cancer

In treating cancer IV infusions allow substances to have a stronger impact on the cancer cells. 

Cologuard Order Form

Cologuard is an at home stool test that is used to screen for colorectal cancer by detecting DNA markers or blood in the stool sample.  It is...

The Integrative Medicine Approach

To integrate is to “form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole”. Integrative medicine blends together traditional Western...

Anti-Microbial Soaps

With the rise of hospital and health care related infections, there has been a needed push to improve the frequency and effectiveness of hand...

The Ten Hallmarks of Cancer

In two landmark scientific papers, Douglas Hanahan of the University of California, San Francisco and Robert Weinberg of the Massachusetts Institute...