RGCC Supplement Protocol

by | Sep 5, 2019 | Articles, Cancer, Conditions

Attached are your RGCC results and supplement dosing schedule.  I’ve eliminated the supplements that tested as unhelpful, are unavailable in the US, or redundant.

I’ve recommended the supplements that showed the highest % of inhibition of your circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and staggered supplements from different categories to balance the mechanisms of inhibition.

Each month you will take 3-4 supplements, rotating to new ones each month, for 3-4 months, until restarting again at month one.  This rotation is to allow better penetration into the cells and minimize resistance.

I also have a list of supplements to take “continuous” for tumor gene mutation impact

Each supplement has a dosage range – start at the low end of the range to be sure tolerated and work to the maximum dose.  It is a good idea to add one at a time in case of side effects.  We should have all the supplements in stock and/or can order asap.

Note that you have # CTCs per field.  Below 5 is a good prognosis, while below 3 is our immediate goal.  Getting to zero is possible, but as years go by if you can keep the CTC count below 3 and stable then it’s likely you are managing to keep in remission.

You might repeat the CTC count (oncocount) every 3-6 months in the first year or so to follow your progress, then annually.  Some patients also repeat the onconomics panel (includes CTC count) annually to see if any of the sensitivities or tumor gene mutations have changed.  Even if the CTC count goes to zero we recommend repeating an annual oncocount for a few years.


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