Low Dose Immunotherapy Microbial Antigen Mixture List

by | Oct 7, 2018 | Conditions, Allergies, Environmental, Articles

Low Dose Immunotherapy Microbial Antigen Mixture ListContents of Microbial Mixtures

LDI microbial antigen mixtures are acquired through various sources (trades with other practitioners, microbiology specimen warehouses, etc.) and are comprised of dead bacterial/viral/fungal/protozoan specimens. Notable exceptions are the Flu, MMR and Varicella antigens. Those three are dilutions made from commercially produced vaccines, which are live attenuated viruses. I have diluted the DTaP and Polio vaccines as well, but those are killed/inactivated organisms. All other microbes used in the LDI antigens have ultimately come from ATCC (American Type Cell Culture), a national government-sponsored microbial sample bank. The organisms are all killed by electron beam irradiation, which destroys their DNA and makes them inert biologically, but leaves their protein structures intact. This makes them excellent antigens.

There are no preservatives, stabilizers, adjuvants, antiseptics or other substances mixed with the samples or added to the dilutions. The dilutions are made simply with sterile water.

The LDI antigens are listed alphabetically, including a listing of MIXES, and then INDIVIDUAL antigens.

If you are interested in Low Dose Allergen Therapy (LDA) information, that is separate from LDI.  LDA is through Edge Pharmacy. We treat patients with LDA, however, we do not provide any training or education about LDA.

This is not a menu to order from. If you are a patient you must speak with your provider about your medical issues. Please, do not contact your provider’s office requesting specific antigens. You must discuss your medical history with your provider, and collectively you will discuss your dose plan in a scheduled visit. This is for your information and education only. Please pass it on and share with anyone who may benefit from LDI.

NOTE: Babesia, Bartonella, Borrelia, Coxsiella, Ehrlichia are listed under the “Lyme” mix.


I put this mixture together in the summer of 2017, searching for a solution to certain cases of immune-mediated weakness or paralytic conditions. Campylobacter is known to exhibit molecular mimicry related to human motor neurons, and to be the causative agent for roughly 1/3 of cases of Guillian-Barre Syndrome. As of the time of this writing, I have no experience using this mixture for anyone yet.

Species Included:

Campylobacter butzleri , C. cinaedi

  1. coli C. concisus
  2. fennelli C. fetus
  3. hyointestinalis C. jejuni
  4. lanimae C. laridis
  5. mucosalis C. pylori
  6. rectus C. showae
  7. sputorum

Expected Dose Range: (unknown – but suspect 6C-12C)

Suggested Uses:

  • Guillian-Barre Syndrome CIDP
  • ALS
  • Other inflammatory motor neuron conditions Chronic Diarrhea


The “Clostridia” mixture contains four species:

Clostridia perfringens

  1. difficile
  2. sporogenes
  3. butyricum 

Typical Dose Range: 5C-12C, with outliers past 20C in severe cases

Potential Uses:

  • Chronic diarrhea (especially with Hx/O prior C. diff infection) Recurrent C. diff infection
  • Chronic colitis or IBD
  • Autism (especially those with a lot of agitation or violence)

“Cold” Mix

This mix contains a collection of viruses involved in the Common Cold or typical URI. It is by no means comprehensive, because only a small percentage of all such possible viruses are commercially available.

Viral Strains: Rhinovirus types 1A, A, B, C

Coronavirus (one type, unspecified)

Adenovirus types 3, 5, 7

Parainfluenza types 1, 2, 3

RSV (one type, unspecified)

Probable Dose Range: 5C-7C (but not known for sure yet)

Suggested Uses:

  • Uncomplicated URI/Viral Rhinitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Viral Pharyngitis
  • RSV
  • Croup
  • Prevention of recurrent URI’s

Collagen Mix

11 types of human collagen (produced by recombinant DNA technology).

Collagen Types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 17.

Probable Dose Range: 5C-9C

Suggested Uses:

  • Osteoarthritis (non-traumatic) – only clinical use so far* Acquired Ehlers-Danlos
  • “Collagen Vascular Diseases” Unexplained bone fragility/osteoporosis Myositis?
  • Bullous autoimmune skin disorders

Coxsackie Mix

Contents: 13 types of Coxsackie virus, plus Echovirus.

Strains Included: Coxsackie A: 1-6, 9. Coxsackie B: 1-6. Echovirus.

Probable Dose Range: Unknown so far, but based on experience with other viruses probably 5C-12C

Suggested Uses:  Coxsackie viruses are implicated as underlying triggers in a wide range of autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders. But that suspicion is based largely on epidemiologic research, which isn’t really worth anything at all in this regard. There is more convincing research related to Sjogren’s syndrome, so that might be a target use. Type 1 Diabetes is also implicated, though the research is epidemiological.

Dental Mix

Mixture of dental appliance and filling materials (minus mercury amalgams – that’s not in the mix. Also no titanium products) and non- latex gloves.

I’ve only treated one person with this mix so far, and he responds at 16C.

Suggested Uses:

  • Allergy to dental materials or non-latex gloves


Contents: Corynebacterium diphtheriae (bacterium), Tetanus (toxoid), Pertussis (bacterial proteins) – derived directly from the vaccine and diluted with water.

Suspected Dose Range: No idea. 5C-12C maybe? (haven’t used it yet) Suggested Uses: (total speculation at this point)

  • Autism spectrum issues
  • Neurological problems that began following DTaP vaccine Tetany-type neurological symptoms (uncontrollable muscle contractions)
  • “Flu” – Influenza Virus Mix


50/50 mixture of Histamine and Histidine, from pharmaceutical-grade sources.

Expected Dose Range:

*No clinical experience yet – so this is only a “guess” 5C-12C

Rec starting extremely ill patients even weaker than 12C

Proposed Uses:

Patients with suspected “Mast Cell Disorders” or “Histamine Sensitivity”. Those with extremely sensitive allergic reactions to many different antigens (“universal reactors”).

Hopefully, getting their “global reactions” under control with this mixture will allow better clarity regarding their specific immune triggers and enable better target therapy.


Mix includes HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses. Typical Dose Range: 5C to 12C

Indications for use: Recurrent cold sores or genital herpes, herpetic lesions; and post-herpetic neuralgia associated with those issues.


This is a mixture of about 20 years of Influenza Vaccine samples. Therefore, this LDI mix is comprised of LIVE VIRUS vaccine samples, but “attenuated” to be non-replicative. I have honestly only had a couple people respond to this mix so far; one with Narcolepsy and one with Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Suspected Dose Range: 5C-12C Suggested Uses:

  • Fibromyalgia symptoms that haven’t responded to more common antigens (Yeast, Lyme, Mycoplasma, etc.)
  • Patients who say: “I feel like I have the Flu all the time” Narcolepsy
  • Guillian-Barre Syndrome

Lyme Mix, and Sub-Groups

The following seventy-four bacterial species are included in the current Lyme mixture provided with this manual:

(29 species of Borrelia)

Borrelia afzelli                                    Borrelia mazzotti

Borrelia andersonii                             Borrelia miyamotoi

Borrelia ansernia                                Borrelia mylophora

Borrelia barbouri                                Borrelia parkeri

Borrelia bisettii                                   Borrelia persica

Borrelia burgdorferi                            Borrelia recurrentis

Borrelia caucasica                              Borrelia sinica

Borrelia crocidurae                             Borrelia spielmani

Borrelia garinii                                    Borrelia tanukii

Borrelia hermsii                                  Borrelia theileri

Borrelia hispanica                               Borrelia tillae

Borrelia japonica                                Borrelia turicatae

Borrelia latyschewii                            Borrelia Valaisiana Borrelia lonestari

Borrelia lusitaniae Borrelia lymphocytoma

(20 species of Bartonella)

Bartonella alsatica                             Bartonella peromysci

Bartonella bacilliformis                      Bartonella quintana

Bartonella birtlesii                              Bartonella schoebuchensis

Bartonella capreoli                             Bartonella talpae

Bartonella chomelii                            Bartonella taylorii

Bartonella clarridgiae                         Bartonella tribocorum

Bartonella doshiae                             Bartonella vinsonii

Bartonella elizabethae                       Bartonella washoensis

Bartonella grahamii                           Bartonella weissii Bartonella henselae

Bartonella koehlera

(19 species of Babesia)

Babesia bigemina                               Babesia herpailuri

Babesia bovis                                      Babesia jakimovi

Babesia caballi                                   Babesia major

Babesia canis                                      Babesia microti

Babesia cati                                        Babesia motasi

Babesia divergens                              Babesia ovis

Babesia duncani                                 Babesia perroncitoi

Babesia equis                                     Babesia trautmanni

Babesia felis                                       Babesia vogeli Babesia gibsoni

(6 species of Ehrlichia plus Coxsiella together)

Ehrlichia canis                                    Ehrlichia risticii

Ehrlichia chaffeensis                          Ehrlichia sennetsu

Ehrlichia equi                                      Coxsiella burneti

Observed Dose Range: 5C to 35C

Conditions for which to consider using the Lyme mixture

  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Dementia or Parkinsonism (often not Lyme-related, but what have you got to lose in trying it?)
  • POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
  • Inflammatory arthritis, NOS
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Polymyositis
  • Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue
  • Autism and ASD conditions
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Progressive External Ophthalmic Myoplegia
  • Trigeminal neuralgia or burning mouth (also try Varicella)
  • Unexplained Tremors
  • Unexplained Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Epilepsy
  • Inability to lose weight no matter what they try (this has suddenly triggered weight loss in a number of our Lyme patients!)

I have tried it myself in some of these, and it is sheer speculation in others. There may be no harm in trying the antigen as an experiment. If the patient does not have the organisms, nothing will happen to them. I injected myself with the 6C just to see – it caused a large painful red flare at the injection site for a few days, and the bilateral tennis elbow I had been fighting for six months went away within the next several days! But, in other patients who are harboring the bacteria, this could theoretically trigger the onset of symptoms for them. As a rule: DON’T TREAT A HEALTHY OR ASYMPTOMATIC PERSON!


Contents: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella viruses – just a dilution of the MMR vaccine itself. Therefore, these are LIVE attenuated viruses. But the vaccine itself is FDA-approved for injecting into people (doesn’t mean it’s completely safe, of course); and then we’ve diluted it much further than that – so there isn’t likely to be any real clinical virulence (but just know this one isn’t “dead” like the EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HSV).

Suspected Dose Range: 5C-12C (based on a colleague’s experience – as I haven’t used this one myself yet)

Suggested Uses:

  • ASD/Autism issues
  • Other forms of chronic brain/CNS inflammation Chronic diarrhea and GI inflammation
  • Disease processes that began right after MMR vaccination

Mycobacteria (aka. “Crohn’s Mix”)

When I first obtained this mix it had been called “Crohn’s Mix”. Over time I found it useful for a very diverse array of conditions; so it makes more sense to simply call it the “Mycobacteria” mix.

Species Included:

Mycobacterium avium intracellulareM. fortuitum

  1. avium paratuberculosis

Typical Dose Range: 5C-12C Potential Uses:

  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis Nonspecific Colitis
  • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Sarcoidosis
  • Churg-Straus Disease Wegener’s Granulomatosis
  • Cutaneous Mycobacterial infection


I grouped these two genera together because they are similar in morphology (intracellular gram-negative cocci with no cell wall); though they probably don’t cause the same types of diseases.

Chlamydia is known to trigger Reiter’s Syndrome; and these organisms are thought to trigger other autoimmune issues as well. This mixture is not nearly as often useful as the Lyme or Yeast mixes for CFS/FMS type of conditions; but it is probably third in line for those at this point.

Species included:

Chlamydia pneumoniae                           C. trachomatis

Mycoplasma arthriditis                           M. fermentans

  1. genitalium M. haemofelis (aka: Hemobartonella)
  2. hominis M. pneumonia
  3. penetrans M. salivarum

Typical Dose Range: 5C-20C Suggested uses:

  • Chronic fatigue/Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic cough, SOB, or other respiratory issues Reiter’s Syndrome
  • Some cases of interstitial cystitis, or chronic urethritis Chronic prostatitis


The original Parasite Mix contained only six protozoan species (the first six listed below) known to potentially cause gastrointestinal infection. I substantially expanded this mixture to include another 6 protozoa and a dozen worm/helminth species:

Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Dientamoeba fragilis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Endolimax nana, Blastocystis hominis

Acanthamoeba castellanii

Balantidum coli

Cyclospora cayetanensis

Entamoeba coli

Entamoeba dispar

Naegleria dispar


Schistosoma mansonii

Fasciola hepatica

Fasciolopsis buskii

Ascaris lumbricoides

Enterobius vermicularis

Taenia saginata

Taenia soleum

Strongyloides stercoralis

Onchocerca volvulus

Diphyllobothrium latum

Necator americanus

Dirofilaria sp. (unspecified)

Toxocara cati

“Rope worm” (species name unclear)

Typical Dose Range: 6C-20C, with extreme cases beyond 35C and possibly to 40C

Uses for the Parasite Mix

  • Chronic GI symptoms or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (especially with Hx/O preceding parasitic infection)
  • Inflammatory Arthritis, NOS Trichotillomania
  • Schizophrenia symptoms, agitated catatonia, other uncontrolled motor behaviors, and other strange psychiatric symptoms, especially if they spike around the full moon every month
  • Maybe other unexplained chronic symptoms (nothing to lose, right?)

NOTE: I’m sure there are more protozoan species that could act as immune targets, various intestinal worms are likely to be relevant as well. More parasite mixes likely need to be developed. Use autologous Stool in cases where you suspect other parasites than what are in this mixture, for now.

Rickettsia Mix

The Rickettsia genus is full of bacterial species known to cause fairly severe acute infections such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and other similar arthropod-borne illnesses. I have not yet found any patient who has responded to this mix as an LDI antigen, but it makes sense that someone may develop chronic inflammation against one of these targets; and I would presume the symptoms to mimic one of the acute infections at least to some degree.

Species Included:

Rickettsia akariR. australis

  1. conori R. honei
  2. japonica R. mooseri
  3. prowazeki R. rickettsia
  4. siberica R. tsutsugamushi
  5. typhi typhosa

Suspected Dose Range: (no clue yet – try 6C-12C until we know more) Suggested Uses:

Inflammatory conditions involving symptoms such as headache, fever, rash, fatigue, myalgias

“SF-B” (Skin Flora Bacteria) Mixture

In summer 2015 I developed a mixture of common skin bacteria to use for treating acne, psoriasis, folliculitis, eczema, recurrent boils, and other skin conditions didn’t respond to the LDA mixes or Yeast mix.

This mixture works very well for acne, hidradenitis, folliculitis and recurrent Staph boils. Psoriasis may respond in rare cases, but not often. Consider this antigen mixture in any skin condition that involves pustules or pus in any form, skin crusting or weeping.

The “dirty dozen” bacterial species in the mix are:

  • Acinetobacter johnsonii
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae and jeikeium
  • Peptostreptococcus magnus, anaerobius, and asaccharolyticus
  • Propionibacterium acnes
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Staph epidermidis and aureus
  • Strep mitis and Group B Strep

Typical Dose Range: 5C-12C Suggested Uses:

  • Acne
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa Boils, Folliculitis Psoriasis (pustular type)
  • Eczema (if weepy and crusty) Impetigo
  • Chronic Otitis Externa
  • Unexplained dermatitis (especially with pus, crusting, or other evidence of intense inflammation)

“SF-F” (Skin Flora Fungal) Mixture

I developed this mixture largely to solve the problem of plaque psoriasis; but made it broad enough to cover many other skin conditions related to fungi as an immune target.

Species Included:

Trichophyton tonsurans, verrucosum, mentagrophytes (interdigitale subtype), schoenleinii, Sudanese, violaceum, and rubrum Epidermophyton floccosum

Sporothrix schenckii

Microsporum audouinii, canis, ferrugineum, gallinae, gypseum, and nanum Malassezia furfur and restricta

Arthroderma benhamiae Trichosporon ovoides

Fusarium oxysporum, solani, and subglutinous Scopulariopsis brevicaulis

Acremonium strictum and falciforme Aspergillus niger, terreus, and flavum Scytalidium dimidiatum and hyalinum

Typical dose range: 5C-10C

Probable uses:

  • Psoriasis, typical plaque form
  • Tinea, any form (capitis, cruris, corporis, pedis, alba, versicolor, etc.) Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Dandruff
  • Eczema, certain cases
  • Unexplained rashes, especially if itchy or flaky Chronic sinusitis, certain cases

Strep Mix

The “Strep” antigen produced by Dr. Shrader, distributed through Edge Pharmacy, contains only Strep pyogenes (two subtypes). This Strep Mix is intended to replace that and has an expanded list of species to cover more diverse conditions.

Species Included:

Streptococcus faecalisGroup B Strep

  1. mutans pneumonia
  2. pyogenes S. salivarius

Typical Dose Range: 5C-12C, with outliers to 18C so far

Suggested Uses:

  • PANDAS, some Autism cases
  • OCD
  • Anxiety and irritability that seems immune-mediated Psychotic symptoms
  • Chronic/Recurrent Pharyngitis Guttate Psoriasis
  • Some chronic fatigue cases, some inflammatory arthritis Rheumatic Fever, or any subset of those symptoms
  • Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis Periodontal disease?
  • Dental cavities?


This mix replaces the “PK” mix produced by Dr. Shrader and provided through Edge Pharmacy. It contains those same Proteus and Klebsiella species, plus several others that can colonize the urinary tract and cause chronic inflammatory disorders of various types. This mix so far seems to work better than the PK did for rheumatoid arthritis, and a dilution of 5.5C-6C seems roughly equivalent for most with RA. BUT, some have responded much more sensitively to the UTI mix than they did to the PK, requiring dilution to 8C. I believe this is due to greater specificity of antigen for certain people; and it has no correlation with how severe their disease has been.

Species Included:

Enterobacter aerogenes                          Escherichia coli

Klebsiella pneumoniae                             Proteus mirabilis Proteus vulgaris

Typical Dose Range: 5C-8C

Suggested Uses:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Inflammatory Arthritis, NOS
  • Recurrent UTI
  • Chronic urinary tract inflammation Interstitial Cystitis


Species: Candida albicans, plus 6 other Candida species (I have lost the list and the original concentrate vial). Saccharomyces cerevisiae (both Baker’s and Brewer’s yeast subtypes).

Observed Dose Range: 5C-45C

Suggested Uses:

  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes
  • Symptoms similar to Lyme disease (tremendous overlap)
  • Chronic neurological sx’s: numbness, tingling, tremor, pain, seizure-like activity
  • Chronic thrush, burning mouth syndrome
  • Chronic vaginitis (even if yeast doesn’t show up on wet mount) Constipation, bloating, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea (even if yeast doesn’t show up on stool testing)
  • IBS, inflammatory bowel diseases Autism spectrum disorders
  • Chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia, vulvodynia
  • Endometriosis Interstitial cystitis Pyoderma gangrenosum
  • Eczema that involves the head and neck areas Yeast-like intertrigenous rashes
  • Rosacea

Individual Antigens 


Species: Anaplasma phagocytophylum (just the one species) Suspected Dose Range: 5C-20C (as yet unknown though)

Suggested Uses:

I have not yet found any patients who have responded to this antigen; but some colleagues have reported patients responding who have symptoms essentially the same as with the Lyme mix.

Artificial Colors

I made dilutions of the main artificial colors: Red #40, Blue #1, Yellow

#5+#6 (both together in that one). I also have them mixed together and diluted as a mixture.

This is for people who are sensitive/reactive to artificial coloring agents. There are a lot of children today who have severe behavioral reactions to these coloring agents; and this should work for them.

I have not used these with anyone yet, so I have no idea what the effective dosing range will be.

I suggest starting in the 6C-12C range (12C for those with more severe reaction).


This is a dilution of all parts of the Cannabis plant (stems, leaves, buds) blended up together and sterilized through a Millipore. I made it for a patient who had a terrible contact dermatitis reaction to the plant, but had to be around them because his wife used medical marijuana and he helped tend the plants. This worked very well for him at 8C.

I suspect the dilution range would be 5C-10C, as with many things.

It is only useful for allergy to Cannabis.


I haven’t really seen the CMV mix work for anyone yet. One or two patients with chronic fatigue have thought the CMV had partial and temporary effects; but haven’t had consistent results.

CMV is thought to be associated with various autoimmune disorders; so I will keep trying it when it seems relevant. But for now, I do not have solid experience to offer good recommendations.

If you want to try and use it, I suspect the effective dose range to be 5C- 12C.

Theoretically, it may work for fatigue and brain fog syndromes, and possibly a diverse array of autoimmune issues.


Typical Dose Range: 5C-12C, outliers to 18C-20C

Suggested Uses:

  • Patients with any chronic symptoms that could be involved in the mononucleosis syndrome- fatigue, pharyngitis, brain fog, swollen neck nodes.
  • Possibly some autoimmune liver diseases- Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Autoimmune Hepatitis


This antigen is the 65 kDa protein portion of the glutamic acid decarboxylase enzyme, produced via recombinant DNA technology. I purchased this antigen to work on my own Type 1 Diabetes, and I did have a couple doses where I thought it had an effect (3C-5C range); but that could not be replicated and was not sustained more than 6 hours each time. I am still working with this one; and I believe it is worth trying in someone with Type 1 DM (but be VERY careful – if it “works”, they will have a surge of insulin release and precipitous hypoglycemia!)

H Pylori

Species: Helicobacter pylori

  1. pylori

Suspected Dose Range: 5C-10C

Suggested Uses:

  • Vitiligo
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Peptic Ulcers Dyspepsia
  • Nausea, and other upper GI symptoms Other unexplained GI symptoms


Species: Human Herpes Virus 6

Suspected Dose Range: 5C-8C

Suggested Uses:

  • Roseola-like rash or scattered hard pimples
  • Irritability, aggression, tantrums, violent behavior
  • Autistic features (communication, interaction)
  • Other typical viral-illness symptoms

Virtually every adult human tests positive for the virus, and the vast majority of children (which is why it’s a “Human” virus). This means that blood testing showing antibodies to HHV-6 mean absolutely nothing clinically; but I have had a number of patients want to try it as an antigen for various fatigue and pain sort of symptoms. Only one person has felt that they respond thus far, at 6C.


Species: Histoplasma capsulatum

Suspected Dose Range: No idea. Try 6C-8C.

Suggested Uses: I really don’t know. I purchased this antigen for one patient with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease who had positive antibodies to Histoplasma; but it didn’t work. I really don’t know what to use it for. Just listing it because I happen to have it.


This antigen is “myelin base protein”, produced via recombinant DNA technology. It is one of the protein targets identified as an autoimmune antigen in multiple sclerosis (MS). I acquired this to try and treat MS, but it has never yielded very significant results. I only used it in a handful of MS patients, and a couple of them did think they had some mild strength increase from it (4C-6C range), but nothing progressive or dramatic. I then discovered that the Lyme LDI mix (presumably the Borrelia subgroup for most people, but Bartonella for a minority) has a much more dramatic effect on MS. So, I don’t use the MBP much at all any more. It would be a good add-on for an MS patient who did not get 100% response with the Lyme mix.


“Species”: Nanobacter

Suspected Dose Range: No idea. Try 5C-8C.

Suggested Uses: Maybe some chronic fatigue type patients. The fact is, “Nanobacter” may not even be a real thing. I’ve read conflicting accounts, some suggesting that what was seen on electron microscopy and initially thought to be a new type of bacteria was later shown to just be some sort of extracellular debris – so who knows!? I have only used this antigen in patients for whom I found no other answer – and this didn’t work for them either.


This is brand new in August 2017, and I haven’t used it in anyone yet. Some patients feel that they have become sensitive to “oxalates” and feel better on a low-oxalate diet. Most people who run high oxalate levels have yeast overgrowth (it’s a byproduct of yeast metabolism); but some people indeed be hypersensitive to oxalic acid I suppose.

This “antigen” is simply a sterile, water dilution of the product “Barkeeper’s Helper”, which is mostly oxalic acid. Anyone can make this at home.

Suspected Dose Range: No idea. Try 6C-8C at first

Suggested Uses: Those who think they are sensitive to oxalate.


Contents: Polio virus, inactivated. Diluted from the vaccine. Suspected Dose Range: No idea. Try 5C-8C.

Suggested Uses: No idea really. Polio causes a diarrhea-based illness upon initial infection; but the real serious problem is neurological paralysis. So try this in folks with neurological weakness or paralysis perhaps.


This is a mixture of four chemical forms of Propionic Acid. I mixed equal amounts together, sterilized (Millipore filter) and diluted the mixture in hopes it would have an effect for some patients with autism (there is research demonstrating an adverse reaction to PPA in some with autism). I have not seen this work in the small number I’ve treated so far – but I really haven’t used it much yet. I’ve seen such good success with a number of other antigens in ASD patients, that I tend to forget about this one. I suspect it may be most helpful in ASD patients with pronounced stimming, social withdrawal, and agitation/anger issues.

Suspected Dose Range: 3C-6C

Suggested Uses: Autism/ASD


This antigen is the single protozoan organism Toxoplasma gondii. We know this parasite can cause severe infections of immunocompromised patients (in the case of AIDS or those on immunosuppressive drugs); but we do not know if it is an immune target for any chronic inflammatory conditions. I have only tried it myself in two cases so far (one with chronic peripheral nerve impairment and one with chronic fatigue – both cases I’d been flailing about looking for the right antigen with no success) and I haven’t seen it work yet.

Suspected Dose Range: 6C-12C (total guess)

Suggested Uses:

  • Unexplained central nervous system or peripheral nerve inflammation
  • Possibly glaucoma
  • Possibly some neuropsychiatric issues (psychosis, etc.)


This antigen is the Varicella-Zoster virus, which is responsible for Chicken Pox in the acute setting and Shingles as a reactivation response. It is just that one virus, and the LDI antigen I have is simply a dilution of the vaccine produced by pharmaceutical companies to prevent infection with this virus (Varicella vaccine for kids).

Suspected Dose Range: 5C-12C

Suggested Uses:

  • Recurrent Shingles
  • Post-herpetic neuralgia (following Shingles outbreaks)
  • Some with chronic pain syndromes – particularly if their widespread pain sounds like nerve pain; and if it seems to get worse after eating (no matter what food is eaten).


I obtained this one from a friend, and I believe it is only the species Yersinia enterocolitica. Dr. Shrader has produced this one for use with LDA kits for years also.

Suspected Dose Range: 5C-10C

Suggested Uses:

  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (this is the only thing I’ve seen it work for so far)
  • Possibly some with inflammatory arthritis syndrome
  • Possibly chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain, mesenteric adenitis


Practitioners can make their own hormone dilutions, as long as they can obtain them from a pharmacy if needed. This isn’t a problem for MD, DO, ANP, or PA-C practitioners. However, if you are an ND practicing in a state where you do not have prescriptive authority, you cannot obtain some of these (estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, insulin).

Here is a list of the hormones I’ve used and the dose ranges. For information about HOW to use them, please read the section on that subject near the end of my LDI practitioner manual.

Estrogen – Diluted from 50/50 BiEst. Range: 6C-20C

Insulin – Diluted from Regular insulin. Range: 5C-8C (only one patient, 6C)

Progesterone – Range: 6C-20C

Testosterone – Diluted Testosterone Cypionate solution. Range: 5C-8C.

Thyroid – Crushed/filtered Westhroid NP tablets. Range: 5C-10C. (I have not yet made dilutions of Cortisol or DHEA or any other hormone yet, but this could be done with any hormone needed).

(Courtesy of Dr Ty Vincent, with permission)

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