Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) Treatment Summary

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Articles, Chronic Infections, Conditions

  1. Avoidance / elimination of biotoxin exposure – ERMI testing
  2. Removal of toxins from the body – binders – mycotoxin testing
  3. Treat MARCoNS – nasal spray for 30 days then reculture
  4. Elimination gluten exposure if anti-gliadin positive
  5. Correct androgen deficiencies – DHEA and VIP spray as aromatase inhibitor
  6. Correct osmolaltiy / ADH imbalance – Desmopressin tablet or spray, recheck labs in 5 days
  7. Correct elevated MMP-9 – high dose omega-3 / fish oil EPA 2.4gm DHA 1.8gm / day – Actos 45mg daily if leptin >7
  8. Correct low VEGF – same as 7 but also low amylose diet
  9. Correct elevated C3a – high dose statin with CoQ
  10. Correct elevated C4a – VIP nasal spray
  11. Correct elevated TGF-beta-1 if >2380 – Losartan 12.5mg 2x/day or VIP nasal spray
  12. Correct low VIP – VIP nasal spray


CIRS treatment protocol pyramid steps


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