N1O1 and The Miracle of Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide (NO) is truly a miraculous compound that you need to know about since it plays a huge role in human health.  I routinely recommend a...

Enkiri-Enmusubi, Changing Bad to Good

"Enkiri-enmusubi" (縁切り縁結び) refers to the Japanese cultural concept of cutting off bad ties or connections (enkiri) and forming or strengthening good...

Regenerative Injections

We specialize in a variety of injections that assist the body in healing injuries or regenerating tissue.  Arthritis can be reversed in some cases...

Kaizen, Change for the Better

The term "Kaizen" (改善) is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better". It embodies the philosophy of continuous, incremental improvement,...

Keys to Great Health

"Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that made him sick." —Hippocrates Health, like so many things, does not rely...

Staying in Balance & Avoiding Burnout

Burnout is a special kind of stress, best defined as being exhausted and just losing interest in what you do. The physical and mental effects may...

Breast Thermography

Breast thermography is a quick, painless, no contact imaging technique that can be part of an early detection program for breast cancer.  Using no...