Fenbendazole Dosing Oct.3, 2023 - FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER - at least 12 Anti-Cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills...
Ivermectin Resources Cancer
Ivermectin Dosing for Cancer Treatment June 10, 2024 - "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 018: High Dose IVERMECTIN and CANCER 2024 - NEW STUDIES...
Exploring the Parallel Universe of Functional Medicine
There are two worlds of medicine today, the conventional disease-centered model and the patient-centered model that treats each person as a unique...
Healthy Skin Inside and Out
Skin is the largest organ in the body and has considerable influence on our well being both from a medical as well as psychological standpoint. The...
Turn Back the Hands of Time with Fractional Laser
We can’t slow time, but we can turn back the hands a little with laser skin therapy. Take years off your skin age, reduce sun damage, smooth...
A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine
How delightful to learn that laughter really is the best medicine and will perhaps add as many good years to your life as other familiar health...
Adventure Medical Kits
What if your routine cross-country ski jaunt turned emergent and you were stranded - would you be able to spend a night out in the mountains? Or...
Enkiri-Enmusubi, Changing Bad to Good
"Enkiri-enmusubi" (縁切り縁結び) refers to the Japanese cultural concept of cutting off bad ties or connections (enkiri) and forming or strengthening good...
Regenerative Injections
We specialize in a variety of injections that assist the body in healing injuries or regenerating tissue. Arthritis can be reversed in some cases...
Kaizen, Change for the Better
The term "Kaizen" (改善) is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better". It embodies the philosophy of continuous, incremental improvement,...
Tumor Free, not Cancer Free
What if I told you that years before someone found out they had cancer, we could draw their blood and find tumor cells shed from the primary tumor? ...
Adrenal Anti-Aging Powerhouses
Would you like to increase muscle mass, lose weight, build stronger bones, lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes, improve your immune...