Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous Therapies black

Intravenous therapies, or IVs, offer the ability to get much higher blood levels of certain nutrients, antioxidants, or other compounds than is possible by oral supplementation.  This allows the various substances to better penetrate into the body’s cellular tissues and help to assimilate key nutrients where it matters most.

Our medical director is “Certified in Chelation Therapy” by the prestigious American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM).  We have three Registered Nurses on staff who specialize in customized IV therapies.

Custom IV Mixtures


Boost Energy

Energy Boost

Give your body what it needs for more energy.  A custom blend of vitamins provides the ingredients for cellular energy and adrenal strength.


Performance Recovery Logo

Performance Recovery

For the weekend warrior, professional athlete, or anyone who wants to improve their recovery after exercise.  We mix vitamins for cellular energy, anti-oxidants to help mop up inflammation and amino -acids for muscle recovery.


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Immune Boost

Prepare for cold and flu season or help recover from illness, injury or surgery.  This mixture is dynamite for helping your immune system function at it’s best.  We recommend this IV at the first sign of illness to help turn it around and also during and after illness to help recovery.


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Remove toxic heavy metals with special “chelation” agents that bind tightly to remove metals from the tissues which are then are safely excreted.


Beauty Logo


Boost collagen production in the skin to help maintain that youthful glow.  Our skin, hair and nails rely on certain vitamins for great health.  We recommend this IV blend for prevention or after skin procedures such as laser or micro-needling to accelerate recovery and boost the treatment benefits.

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Migraine headaches respond well to IV magnesium which relaxes the inflamed, spasmed arteries that cause headache pain.  This is a quick IV that typically will stop a migraine in it’s tracks.


Hydration LogoHydrate

Sometimes a little extra fluid is needed and this simple IV will quickly restore the body’s needs.  Alone or added to any of the other IVs this is a sure way to hydrate.



Specific IV Formulations


For prolonged IV therapies consider getting a special IV called a “central venous catheter” inserted which can remain in place for years.  This has the advantage of being accessed without needing a needle stick for every peripheral IV.  It is also makes it possible to do IV therapies at home, saving patients lots of time and money that can be utilized for additional treatments.


IV ozone is given 2x/week and about 5-6 weeks into treatment patients typically start feeling better at which point they either continue with regular maintenance IVs or they are well enough to stop ozone.  The procedure is quite simple and for “1 pass” involves drawing 50-250mL of blood via an IV catheter then mixing the same amount of ozone directly into the blood and finally infusing the ozonated blood back into the patient.  The whole procedure takes about 45 minutes.

“10 pass” ozone is another option which involves simply repeating the ozone infusion 10 times with the help of a machine that pushes and pulls the blood in and out quicker.  This is a powerful treatment that is typically done only 1-2x/week.  It is known to activate native stem cells and increase cellular energy as much as 500%.  The procedure takes about 90 minutes.

Myers Cocktail

Named after the late Dr John Myers, MD, a pioneer in IV nutrient therapy, the original formula has undergone several changes but the essential mix remains the same and the Myers cocktail is still the benchmark recipe for IV therapies.  The Myers consists of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin C.  


Glutathione is known as the “mother of all antioxidants” for good reason.  It reduces the amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress in the body while regenerating other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E.  It also turns down the expression of inflammation provoking genes.

Just about every chronic illness, as well as normal aging, is associated with lowered glutathione levels.  Patient’s often follow the Myers infusion with glutathione for an extra boost.

High dose Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbate, ascorbic acid) is a major water-soluble antioxidant that also increases collagen production, is important for proper immune cell functioning, plays key roles in L-Carnitine synthesis, cholesterol metabolism, cytochrome P-450 activity, and neurotransmitter synthesis.

High dose IV vitamin C (IVC) makes it possible to achieve blood levels up to 100x higher than possible with oral supplementation, which allows rapid restoration of vitamin C in body tissue.  IVC is found to be beneficial for boosting immune function, recovery from surgery and illness, and published case studies report anti-cancer efficacy, improved patient well-being, and decreases in markers of inflammation and tumor growth.

We follow the “Riordan Protocol” when treating patients with cancer as the Riordan Clinic Research Institute (RCRI) has been researching the potential of intravenous vitamin C therapy for over thirty years.  Their efforts have included in vitro studies, animal studies, pharmacokinetic analyses, and clinical trials.  You’ll need to get the initial IVs at the office so we can titrate the dose up and check blood levels.  Once your dose has you in range then you can start doing them at home.  Ideal is 3x/week.


NAD is short for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide.  NAD is derived from vitamin B3 or niacin and is essential for cells to make energy.  When a hydrogen atom (H) is attached NAD is converted to active NADH.  By then contributing the hydrogen to react with oxygen NADH helps generate energy stored in a chemical form known as ATP or adenosine triphosphate.  ATP is fuel for the body, especially heart and skeletal muscle, and brain function.

Low NAD is associated with numerous conditions including chronic fatigue, weakness and pain, drug and alcohol addiction, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic diseases in general.

6 Major Benefits of NAD Therapy


Poly-MVA is a uniquely formulated dietary supplement containing a proprietary blend of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, formyl-methionine, plus trace amounts of molybdenum, and ruthenium. This formulation is designed to provide energy to enhance the body systems by changing the electrical potential of cells and promoting proper or normal metabolism within the cell.  For more information see Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex Adjunctive Protocol – Poly-MVA.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Another potent anti-oxidant, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a fatty acid found in the body’s producers of cellular energy, the mitochondria.  It has shown benefit for various forms of oxidation and inflammation. 

Turmeric (Curcumin)

Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory compound, not only squelching inflammation directly but also turning off genetic switches that increase inflammation.  It has been shown to increase cancer cell death, slow new blood vessel growth, and detox the body.


Artemisinin that is extracted from the wormwood plant Artemisia annua.  It is primarily an antimalarial drug that has been shown to be safe and effective for clinical use. In addition to its antimalarial properties, it also shows inhibitory effects on cancer cell proliferation, invasion and migration.


Salicinium is used to “uncloak” cancer cells so that our immune system is better able to recognize and attack them.  The protocol calls for 15 days of IV therapy followed by long term oral salicinium intake.  For more information see Salicinium for Cancer.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are basic building blocks used in the body to build proteins, such as muscle and other tissue, and they also serve as precursors to neurotransmitters.  Humans utilize 20 amino acids and 9 of those are called “essential” because we can’t synthesize them and they must be obtained from our diet.

Freamine III 10% package insert

Chelation of heavy metals

Toxic heavy metals, especially lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic, are common waste products in the environment and have documented potential for serious health consequences.  These metals are considered systemic toxicants that are known to induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of exposure, and they are also classified as human carcinogens.

Chelation comes the Greek word for “claw” meaning “to grab” which is what chelating agents do with heavy metals that are bound to the body tissue.  A chelating agent binds stronger than the body tissue thus pulling some of the metal out of the tissue from whence it can be safely eliminated.  A series of IVs can be given to aggressively remove heavy metals from the body.

Comparison of chelating agents DMPS, DMSA and EDTA for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic metal exposure

Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review

Chelation for artery health

Chelation has been used by clinicians for decades to improve artery health.  Conditions such as heart disease and peripheral artery disease are observed to improve with chelation therapy.  Beyond clinical experience, with clinical trials and anecdotal evidence of benefit, the landmark Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) study was the largest ever randomized controlled trial to show benefit for artery disease.  In the TACT study, the chelation treatment reduced the recurrent cardiac events in diabetic patients by 41 percent, the number of heart attacks by 50 percent and deaths by 43 percent over five years.

Chelation for Heart Disease

Special Protocols


A favorite of patients is the combination Ozone / Myers / Glutathione.  We often increase the vitamin C component in the Myers up to 10grams for extra support (OMG10).

Forsythe Protocol

Developed by Dr Forsythe, this IV combination is used for immune support, especially between rounds of chemotherapy.  Artemisinin 100mg + Vitamin C 25gram + PolyMVA 100mL.

Berkson protocol – Alpha-Lipoic-Acid with LDN

We prescribe low dose naltrexone (LDN) along with IV alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) following a protocol developed by Dr Berkson.

Interview with Dr Berkson

We start the ALA at 40mg and increase to 80, then 160, then a maintenance dose of 320mg.  It can lower blood sugar so we monitor that along the way and you always want to have a little snack beforehand.  Ideal is 3x/week on opposite days from IV vitamin C.  You should take oral ALA 2x/day along with this protocol and we have a “liposomal” form that is best absorbed.