Walk Your Way to Health

I walk because it’s good for me. Most every morning, year round, rain or shine, my wife and I walk. Up the drive, along the gravel road, detour in...

Artery Health

There are things you can do to prevent, stabilize or even reverse arterial plaque.  The most powerful treatment is probably eating a more whole food...

Heart Screening Tests

How high is your cholesterol and should you care? If it is high, yes, but if it is normal then don’t rest easy… Would you believe only 50% of people...

Cancer Prevention

“You have cancer” are perhaps the most frightening words I ever speak and the words you fear most from your doctor.  Cancer is the second leading...

Is Your Heart Pumping Sludge?

Blood thickness, or viscosity, may be the single unifying risk factor for heart disease.  The thicker and stickier the blood the more difficult it...