Artery Health

There are things you can do to prevent, stabilize or even reverse arterial plaque.  The most powerful treatment is probably eating a more whole food...

Natural Lyme Treatment

There are a few natural treatments that work to eradicate Lyme and the common co-infections.  The links are to products we use in our office. Cat’s...

The Acne Cure

Most people have experienced acne. For some it is merely an occasional nuisance while others find it to be a seriously embarrassing and frustrating...

Copper Chelation

Test baseline copper, zinc and ceruloplasmin levels.  Ceruloplasmin is a carrier protein that transports as much as 90% of serum copper, and is...

RGCC Supplement Protocol

Attached are your RGCC results and supplement dosing schedule.  I’ve eliminated the supplements that tested as unhelpful, are unavailable in the US,...


“I am bad at meditation,” is something I often hear when patients and I discuss stress. Luckily, there are many tools to aid in stress management -...

Chelation Protocol

Chelation derives from the Latin word "chelate" meaning "claw" or "to grab".  In the case of toxic heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, arsenic,...

Bon appétit with healthy fats

“Hydrogenated” oils are stuffed full of hydrogen atoms and bad for your health. “Trans” fats are the result of heat and artificial hydrogenation,...