Adventure Medical Kits

What if your routine cross-country ski jaunt turned emergent and you were stranded - would you be able to spend a night out in the mountains?  Or...

Please Pour the Coffee

Legend has it that around 1200 years ago an Ethiopian goat herder observed his animals energetically dancing around after eating the bright red...

Visiting Grand Junction

Thank you to all of our patients who travel from out of town or even from out of state for consultation and treatment.  I'm often sharing...

Arthritis Relief

Suffering from arthritis is very common and the conventional treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen is...

Childhood Exanthems

The six childhood exanthems, also known as the "sixth diseases" or "sixth exanthems," are a group of viral infections that commonly affect...

Calm but not Fatigued

We all want to be in the mental “zone” — you know, between having plenty of energy yet feeling calm and relaxed. For so many of my patients this...

Ozone Water

Ozone is held intact as a gas in water. Use distilled water.  The addition of salt increases the absorption of ozone in water. Infuse ozone at 78...

Avoid These Common Food Additives

A “food additive” is any substance added to food in order to improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture, appearance, or nutritional value....

Live longer with laughter

How delightful to learn that laughter really is the best medicine and will perhaps add as many good years to your life as other familiar health...