A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine

How delightful to learn that laughter really is the best medicine and will perhaps add as many good years to your life as other familiar health...

Enkiri-Enmusubi, Changing Bad to Good

"Enkiri-enmusubi" (縁切り縁結び) refers to the Japanese cultural concept of cutting off bad ties or connections (enkiri) and forming or strengthening good...

Food for Your Mood

The foods you eat have a lot to do with how you feel, in a myriad of ways you might not imagine. Certain foods help the brain function better and...

Heart and Soul

Anxiety causes heart attacks, according to the “Heart and Soul Study” published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, in which over 1000 people...

Spirits of good health

Can the mind really exert a significant influence on your health, and how does spirituality or religiosity play a role? Does faith in and of its...

In the Spirit of Great Health

Can the mind really exert a significant influence on your health, and how does spirituality or religiosity play a role? Does faith in and of its...