
Scott Rollins, MD
Founder and Medical Director

Sue Goebel, APN
Advanced Practice Nurse

Katie McCloud, PA
Physician Assistant

Colleen Belmont

Tamra Hollis
RN / Registered Nurse & Clinical Nurse Educator

Heather Rodman

Lisa Rieman
Medical Assistants
Our medical assistants undergo an extensive training program that includes a comprehensive checklist of competency. Under the direct oversight of Dr Rollins and a team of experienced nurses, they have had exceptional one-on-one training and are proficient at the daily tasks of managing the flow of patient labs, prescriptions and phone calls, as well as the lab and treatment services including blood draws, skin testing for allergies, and administration of immunotherapy treatments. They also serves as clinical educators, helping our patients with guidelines on prescription and natural therapies as well as review of food allergy results.

Brooke Grotts
Medical Assistant & Clinical Educator

Wyatt Rollins
BA / Medical Assistant & Clinical Educator

Naomi Delorenzo
Medical Assistant

Tayla Alvarez
Medical Assistant

Sierra Wiggins
BA, Nutrition and Wellness Coordinator

Michele Rollins, BGS, Masters of Arts
Cofounder, Hiring Manager

Melissa Kissick

Gina Grotts
Office Manager & Receptionist