Your Visit
Your initial visit is usually 30 minutes and will include a detailed history and relevant examination, along with a review of any available medical records.
Diagnostic tests may be ordered during your first visit. Referrals to other IMC providers may be made during your initial visit. Various treatments are often started during your first visit.
Your second visit is usually 15-30 minutes and will again include relevant exam and review of diagnostic tests. Treatment plans are typically started during your second visit.
Subsequent visits are determined by you and your provider. In general, we will schedule a follow up visit about one month after any treatment changes are made in order to monitor your treatment closely.
Once your treatment plan is stable we will usually schedule a follow up visit in 6 months, then annually to monitor your treatment.
Included in all your visits is extra time with our Medical Assistant or “Educator.” Immediately following your visit with your provider, you may spend an additional 15-30 minutes with our Educator to further review diagnostic tests and treatments that have been started. You may be given written brochures and/or DVD resources on the same topics.
The scope of medicine we practice is often complex and unfamiliar compared to standard medical treatments. It is our intent to provide you with the time to ask questions and the resources to ensure you understand your treatments at the IMC.