Chemical Peels

We offer mild to moderate chemical peels, customized to clean pores, treat acne, stimulate cell turnover, and reduce the appearance of brown spots.

An Enzyme Peel is a gentle peel that removes superficial dead skin cells, stimulates skin.

A Salicylic Peel treats acne, deeply cleans pores, has antiseptic properties and rejuvenates the skin.

A Glycolic Peel can be moderate or aggressive, depending on the strength. It can help eliminate AK’s, and improve overall skin appearance.

A Malic Peel can help with cell turnover, hydration, and is antibacterial (REFRESH peel).

A Lite Peel is called Refresh and has both Malic and Salicylic acids – okay for sensitive skin. Improves overall appearance.

A Modified Jessner Peel uses a combo of acids to reduce the appearance of melasma, freckles, acne, and mild rosacea.

Deluxe Facial with REFRESH Peel

Enjoy a deluxe facial by adding the REFRESH Peel with a microderm treatment. The skin benefits from the REFRESH solution by reducing pore size, brightening the skin and smoothing skin texture, which gives the skin an overall “glow”.  This is a “no peel” Malic acid treatment that softens the skin, allowing products to have optimum penetration, which benefits and improves the appearance of the skin in the ways mentioned above.

The skin looks slightly pink for a few hours after the treatment and has a lasting refreshed appearance for up to two weeks following the treatment. It can be done every 4-6 weeks for maintenance and to keep skin looking it’s best. This is a great anti-aging facial for tired and nutrient starved skin which is common in our drier and higher altitude air of Colorado.  Patients report an amazing turnaround in their skin with this comfortable yet stimulating treatment.  The deluxe facial is great for those who suffer from acne and a great treatment for men as well!