Covid19 Cytokine Storm

Researchers are identifying exactly which cytokines (inflammation causing chemicals) are primarily responsible for signaling the storm of...

The Miracle of Medicinal Mushrooms

The humble fungi, with its visible fruit called the mushroom, holds some of nature’s most potent weapons. Used by the plant to protect it from...

Artery Health

There are things you can do to prevent, stabilize or even reverse arterial plaque.  The most powerful treatment is probably eating a more whole food...

Natural Lyme Treatment

There are a few natural treatments that work to eradicate Lyme and the common co-infections.  The links are to products we use in our office. Cat’s...

Cholesterol Treatments

Many foods and supplements will improve lab markers that put one at risk for heart disease.  Here is a list of treatments: Cholesterol, LDL...

Sleep Supplements

Perhaps nothing is more frustrating and harmful to great health than insomnia.  Below is a list of supplements that we've found helpful in restoring...